Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Shell script snipplet for resetting a password

This little code snipplet to use a Linux/Unix escape character to send a line shift into a string of mulitple commands:

. /home/oracle/.bash_profile
echo -e "alter session set container=PDB01;\n$userexist\nalter user $userid identified by $password account unlock;" | sqlplus -L -s / as sysdba

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Workaround for ORA-46372: audit file not found

In my environment, I had the following errors popping up in Cloud Control:

ORA-46372: audit file '/u01/oracle/audit/proddb01/ora_audit_10.bin' not found
ORA-17503: ksfdopn:4 Failed to open file
ORA-17500: ODM err:File does not exist

It can be manually reproduced by executing the following query:
select count(1) from unified_audit_trail;

It seems to be related to BUG 26352615 - SPILLOVER AUDIT FILES CANNOT BE FOUND ORA-46372 for platform Linux x86-64. Per May 22ond 2018, it is still in development according to Oracle Support.

In the directory /u01/oracle/audit/proddb01, there is quite correctly no file named ora_audit_10.binin. However, there is one called ora_audit_10.bin

The following workaround worked for me:

Go to the directory /u01/oracle/audit/proddb01
Change the name of the file ora_audit_10.bin to ora_audit_10.binin

Test like this:
select count(1) from unified_audit_trail;


Update 09.03.2020:

Oracle has released a patch for 26352615. It is available for a number of RUs. I just applied the patch for 12c Release, and it solved the problem outlined above.