Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Changes in privilege "SELECT ANY DICTIONARY" in Oracle 12c

From version 12.1 and onwards, Oracle has introduced some changes to enhance security when granting the system privilege "SELECT ANY DICTIONARY".

In the New Features guide for version 12.1, the authors explain:

The SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege no longer permits access to security sensitive data dictionary tables DEFAULT_PWD$, ENC$, LINK$, USER$, USER_HISTORY$, and XS$VERIFIERS.

This change increases the default security of the database by not allowing access to a subset of data dictionary tables through the SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege.

The access to USER$ has also been excempt when granting the system privilege SELECT ANY TABLE and the role SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE, but I have not yet found the documentation that verifies this.

Monday, November 19, 2018

How to use rman to create a backup-based clone on a remote server

It has been a while since I needed to use this technique, since we rely on storage snapshot clones these days. Sometimes though, a good old-fashioned rman clone based on backups is the only way to solve a problem.
Since I always avoid working on the production server during cloning, most steps are done logged onto the auxiliary server.

The method I used is based on "Backup-Based Duplication Without a Target Database and Recovery Catalog Connection"
Here is what I did:

1. On the production server, backup of the source database using RMAN:
rman target / nocatalog
backup database plus archivelog;

From this point and onwards, everything is done while logged onto the destination server.

2. Get the files from the source server:
ssh testserver
cd /u05
mkdir bup
cd bup
scp -r prodserver:/u05/flash_recovery_area/PRODDB01/2018_11_16/* .

3. Prepare the auxiliar pfile. Note that the parameters I use exceeds the actual required parameters.
But since the auxiliary instance will replace an already existing database instance, which is already tuned and has the correct memory parameters, I choose to include them. Notice also the db_file_name_convert and log_file_name_convert parameters. They control where rman will place the files during the restore process.
vi inittest1.ora

Add the following:


4. I prefer using an spfile over a pfile. Therefore I take the time here to create an spfile:
sqlplus / as sysdba
startup nomount pfile=inittest1.ora
create spfile from pfile;

5. Startup the auxiliary instance in nomount-mode using the spfile:
shutdown abort
startup nomount

6. Start the duplication process:
rman auxiliary /
duplicate database to test1
backup location '/u05/fra/bup';

RMAN went through the normal restore, name switching and recovery phases. Finally, the database was opened with the resetlog option.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

New parameter in dbms_redefinition.finish_redef_table in 12c

Oracle 12c adds a potentiall very useful feature to the dbms_redefinition package, in the procedure finish_redef_table: dml_lock_timeout

It specifies a time limit in seconds for how long a DML statment waits in a DML lock queue, before the procedure terminates gracefully.

By default, this parameter is set to 0 which means no waiting at all; the procedure will simply error out if it cannot get a lock on the table.

The maximumm value is 1000000 and will cause any DML statements to wait in perpetuity to aquire a DML lock.

Here is an example of its usage, where I have set the limit to 5 minutes (300 seconds):