Monday, December 11, 2023

How to write custom messages to the alert log file

exec sys.dbms_system.ksdwrt(2,'Your message here')
The first argument can be either

  • 1 -> Write to the trace file
  • 2 -> Write to the database alert log file
  • 3 -> Write to both of the above files
  • Friday, December 8, 2023

    Syntax for applying and removing a patch on the WLS server Home in an EBS 12.2 installation

    The bsu (or "Smart update") utility:
    cd $MW_HOME/utils/bsu -version
    Oracle Smart Update. Version:
    Here's an example on how to install a patch:
    ./ -remove -patch_download_dir=$MW_HOME/utils/bsu/cache_dir -patchlist=1LRI -prod_dir=$MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3 -verbose -log=install_1LRI.log
    Here's an example on how to remove a patch:
    ./ -install -patch_download_dir=$MW_HOME/utils/bsu/cache_dir -patchlist=E7HI -prod_dir=$MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3 -verbose -log=install_E7HI.log

    Script sniplet to differentiate between cdb and pdb environment settings in a shell script

    This little sniplet could be used if you find yourself in a situation where you need to differentiate between the cdb environment and the pdb environment on a server using multitenant setup.

    I am setting a commonly used alias for the usage of sqlplus called "sql" depending on the ORACLE_SID being set to the cdb or the pdb.

    It differs slightly since I you can only do a bequath session when connecting to the former, and not the latter:

  • When connecting to the pdb as sysdba, you need to go through the listener, and therefore supply the password.
  • When connecting to the cdb you can do a so called bequeath session and connect directly to the oracle instance through IPC.
    read -p 'Will you be administrating the cdb or the PDB? ' container
    case $container in
            . $ORACLE_HOME/cdb_settings.env;
            alias sql='sqlplus / as sysdba';;
            . $ORACLE_HOME/pdb1.env;
            alias sql='sqlplus sys@pdb1 as sysdba';;
            *) echo "You must select cdb or pdb1";
             exit 1;;
  • How to generate a cold backup script for a database

    Probably many ways to to this, but here is how I generated a simple file that after being made executable will copy all files to a specific folder. The database must be shut down before running the script, so in other words, this will be a good, old-fashioned cold backup!
    set lines 200
    set pages 0
    set trimspool on
    set heading off
    set echo off
    set feedback off
    set verify off
    SELECT    'cp '
           || a.file_name
           || ' /u01/oracle/cold_backup/'
           || (SELECT TRIM (SUBSTR (b.file_name,
                                    (  INSTR (b.file_name,
                                     + 1)))
                 FROM cdb_data_files b
                WHERE a.file_name = b.file_name)
      FROM cdb_data_files a
    SELECT    'cp '
           || a.MEMBER
           || ' /u01/oracle/cold_backup/'
           || (SELECT TRIM (SUBSTR (b.MEMBER,
                                    (  INSTR (b.MEMBER,
                                     + 1)))
                 FROM v$logfile b
                WHERE a.MEMBER = b.MEMBER)
    FROM v$logfile A
    SELECT    'cp '
           || ' /u01/oracle/cold_backup/'
           || (SELECT TRIM (SUBSTR (,
                                    (  INSTR (,
                                     + 1)))
                 FROM v$tempfile b
                WHERE =
      FROM v$tempfile a
    SELECT    'cp '
           || ' /u01/oracle/cold_backup/'
           || (SELECT TRIM (SUBSTR (,
                                    (  INSTR (,
                                     + 1)))
                 FROM v$controlfile b
                WHERE =
      FROM v$controlfile a;