Make sure the NB_ORA_POLICY is correctly entered and adheres to the documentation from your MML provider:
#!/bin/ksh LOGFILE=$SCRIPT_BASE/log/restore_${ORACLE_SID}_`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.log export RECOVERY_CATALOG=catowner/**********@RMANCAT nohup rman target / catalog $RECOVERY_CATALOG << EOF > $LOGFILE 2>&1 & startup force nomount; set DBID=1554594349; run { allocate channel t1 type sbt; allocate channel t2 type sbt send 'NB_ORA_POLICY=ora_dbserver1_00_netwzone1,,NB_ORA_SCHED=ora_dbserver1_00_netwzone1_user'; set until sequence < logseq > thread 1; restore controlfile; alter database mount; restore database; recover database; } alter database open resetlogs; EOF echo "RMAN restore started in background. Check logfile: $LOGFILE"