Tuesday, March 15, 2016

How to add a line feed to your spool file

If you want to spool out a file from you sqlplus session, and need a line feed in your string, you can use the function
to concatenate a line feed into your string. Integer represents the decimal value of the character you'd like to send to the database.


set trimspool on
set lines 200
set pages 0
set heading off
set verify off
set echo off
set feedback off
spool rowcount.sql
select 'spool rowcount.out' from dual;
select 'prompt rowcount for ' || owner || '.' || table_name || chr(10)|| 'select count(*) from ' || owner || '.'  || table_name || ';'
from dba_tables
where owner='SCOTT';
select 'exit' from dual;

The chr(10) will return a line feed (may not be apparent in the code below but there is a line feed in there):
SYS@fsprod SQL> select chr(10) from dual;


The chr(10) corresponds to the hexadecimal value of A, which in turns corresponds to a line feed under the characterset that I happen to use in this database, which is WE8ISO8859P1.

The result is a file which looks like this:
spool rowcount.out
prompt rowcount for SCOTT.EMP
select count(*) from SCOTT.EMP;

prompt rowcount for SCOTT.DEPT
select count(*) from SCOTT.DEPT;

prompt rowcount for SCOTT.BONUS
select count(*) from SCOTT.BONUS;

Sources: ISO code pages

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

How to check for existence of and installation of Data Mining in the database,

In this short article, I am following the document "How To Manually Install Data Mining In Oracle 11g? (Doc ID 818314.1)"

select * from v$option where PARAMETER = 'Data Mining';

------------  ------------
Data Mining   FALSE

In my case, Data Mining is not installed. Data Mining files need to be installed and the Oracle executable needs to be linked with Data Mining in the Oracle Home.

Oracle states some important facts about Data Mining in 11g:

"As per the overview of changes of Data Mining in 11g , there are some substantial changes with the Data Mining option in 11g"

* Oracle Data Mining 11gRelease 1 (11.1) has a tight integration with Oracle Database. Data Mining metadata and PL/SQL packages have been migrated from DMSYS to SYS. The DMSYS schema no longer exists in Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) fresh installations.
* If the database has been upgraded from earlier version, then DMSYS schema could be there, in which case the Document Data Mining Adminstration Guide should be followed the relevant steps to migrate data to SYS schema and then drop DMSYS schema.
* There is no longer an 'odm' directory in the ORACLE_HOME, and no entry for Data Mining in the DBA_REGISTRY but there is a value in V$OPTION (as displayed above)

To enable Data Mining:

1. Shut down all oracle processes running out of your Oracle_home (db, listener)
2. relink the oracle executable
chopt enable dm

Writing to /u01/oracle/product/11204/install/enable_dm.log...
/usr/bin/make -f /u01/oracle/product/11204/rdbms/lib/ins_rdbms.mk dm_on ORACLE_HOME=/u01/oracle/product/11204
/usr/bin/make -f /u01/oracle/product/11204/rdbms/lib/ins_rdbms.mk ioracle ORACLE_HOME=/u01/oracle/product/11204

3. Start up the database again
4. cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
5. Run the necessary files to finish the installation of data mining:
sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL>spool enable_dm.log
6. Confirm that Data Mining is indeed installed:
select * from v$option where PARAMETER = 'Data Mining';

------------  ------------
Data Mining   TRUE

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

How to identifiy whether or not Oracle Configuration Manager is in use

Change directory to $ORACLE_HOME
# ls ccr
bin  config  doc  hosts  inventory  lib  README.pdf  state

If the directory ccr exist, OCM has been installed.

Change directory to ccr/bin:
# cd ccr/bin
# ls -la
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle dba  4096 Feb 29 16:11 .
drwxr-xr-x 9 oracle dba  4096 Feb 29 16:11 ..
-rwx------ 1 oracle dba 19169 Feb 29 16:11 common
-rw------- 1 oracle dba 47285 Feb 29 16:11 deployPackages
-rwx------ 1 oracle dba  9063 Feb 29 16:11 emocmrsp
-rwx------ 1 oracle dba  5881 Feb 29 16:11 emSnapshotEnv
-rwx------ 1 oracle dba  6116 Feb 29 16:11 lockfile
-rwxr----- 1 oracle dba  1630 Feb 29 16:11 ocmJarUtil
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba  3539 Feb 29 16:11 OCMJarUtil.class
-rwx------ 1 oracle dba 58374 Feb 29 16:11 setupCCR
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba   903 Feb 29 16:11 strip_path.awk

If the file emCCR exists, OCM has been configured.

If not, like in my case above, OCM is installed but not configured for this server.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

How to enable and disable Automatic SQL tuning

dbms_auto_task_admin.enable(client_name => 'sql tuning advisor', operation => NULL, window_name => NULL);

dbms_auto_task_admin.disable(client_name => 'sql tuning advisor', operation => NULL, window_name => NULL);

If desirable, Oracle also lets you enable or disable all automated maintenance tasks for all windows. Do this by calling the ENABLE or DISABLE procedure with no arguments:

Configuring Automated Maintenance Tasks

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How to remove dbms_scheduler jobs

To delete an obsolete scheduler job, use the procedure dbms_scheduler.drop_job procedure.
In a recent case, a large number of obsolete dbms_Scheduler jobs were laying around in the database, and needed a cleanup.
Most of them were not enabled, and all stakeholders deemed it safe to remove the jobs.

To loop through the jobs owned by the schema, I used the following simple script:
connect scott/tiger
set serveroutput on
set trimspool on
spool /tmp/drop_mva_scheduler_jobs.log


 FOR l_rec IN C1 LOOP
   dbms_output.put_line('Now dropping job: ' || l_rec.job_name);
   dbms_scheduler.drop_job(job_name=>'' || l_rec.job_name || '' );

Sources: Oracle Documentation

Thursday, February 4, 2016

How to create and start a service with dbms_service

Create the service. The first parameter name is the service name, can be up to 64 characters long.
The second parameter is the network name of the service as used in SQLNet connect descriptors for client connections
# sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> exec dbms_service.create_service(service_name=>'online_users', network_name=>'online_users');

Start the service:
SQL> exec dbms_service.start_service('online_users');

Update the service_names parameter. Without this, your new service would exist, but have to be manually started with every database restart:
SQL> alter system set service_names='proddb01, online_users' scope=both;

Check the parameter settings:
show parameter service

NAME                                 TYPE                              VALUE
------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------------------------
service_names                        string                            online_users, proddb01

A typical connect string when using JDBC would be
connect string : jdbc:oracle:thin:@//prodserver01:1521/online_users

If you are relying on tns naming, in other words, using a local tnsnames.ora file, make sure you set up your tnsnames.ora correctly.
The following is an example of a tnsnames.ora entry for the service we just created:
online_users =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = myserver.mydomain.com)(PORT = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = online_users)

Note: If you have specified a value for the database parameter domain_name, you need to add this to the SERVICE_NAME-clause of your tnsnames.ora entry, otherwise you will have trouble connecting:
show parameter domain

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_domain                            string      mydomain.com

In the case shown above, we have indeed specified a value for domain_name, and therefore the service_name will inherit this value by default.
So make sure you specify the FQDN in the SERVICE_NAME clause for your tnsnames.ora entry, like this:
(SERVICE_NAME = online_users.mydomain.com)

The command
lsnrctl services

will show you how the services are automatically registered with the listener.
The first 3 services are automatically created and always created by default with any Oracle installation. The last service registered with the listener is the one we created manually previously in this post:
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=myserver.mydomain.com)(PORT=1521)))
Services Summary...
Service "proddb01" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "proddb01", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
      "DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0
Service "proddb01.mydomain.com" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "proddb01", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
      "DEDICATED" established:1 refused:0 state:ready
Service "proddb01XDB.mydomain.com" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "proddb01", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
      "D000" established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:1022 state:ready
Service "online_users.mydomain.com" has 1 instance(s).
  Instance "proddb01", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
      "DEDICATED" established:3 refused:0 state:ready

If for some reason the service is not registered automatically with the listener within reasonable time, you can try to force a registration, like this:
alter system register;

If your listener is running on the default port 1521, there should be no need to touch your listener configuration, except stop/start/reload.
If you use a non-default listener configuration, such as a port != 1521 or a listener name != LISTENER, you need to configure the parameter local_listener.
In the exammple below, I configure the listener to run on port 1526 instead of 1521:
alter system set local_listener='(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=myserver)(port=1526))' scope=both;
Once again, note that in this case, the parameter db_domain is set so you only need to include the server name, not the domain name. If you do use the FQDN, it doesn't make any difference to your setup.

Verify that your connection can be used by using sqlplus to create a connection:
sqlplus scott/tiger@online_users
SQL> select sys_context('userenv','SERVICE_NAME') FROM DUAL;


To remove a service:
-- stop the service
SQL> exec dbms_service.stop_service('online_users');

-- after stopping the service, it may be deleted
SQL> exec dbms_service.delete_service('online_users');

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

A useful query for checking relevant parameters:
set lines 200
column name format a30
column network_name format a30
column value format a60

select name,value
from v$system_parameter
where name in ('service_names','db_domain','local_listener');

SELECT name,
FROM   v$active_services

How to find information about CPUs on an AIX server

lsconf | grep Processor
Processor Type: PowerPC_POWER7
Processor Implementation Mode: POWER 7
Processor Version: PV_7_Compat
Number Of Processors: 5
Processor Clock Speed: 3000 MHz
  Model Implementation: Multiple Processor, PCI bus
+ proc0                                                                          Processor
+ proc4                                                                          Processor
+ proc8                                                                          Processor
+ proc12                                                                         Processor
+ proc16                                                                         Processor    

pmcycles -m
CPU 0 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 1 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 2 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 3 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 4 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 5 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 6 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 7 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 8 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 9 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 10 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 11 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 12 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 13 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 14 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 15 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 16 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 17 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 18 runs at 3000 MHz
CPU 19 runs at 3000 MHz
lparstat -i
Node Name                                  : myhost
Partition Name                             : myhost
Partition Number                           : 25
Type                                       : Shared-SMT-4
Mode                                       : Uncapped
Entitled Capacity                          : 0.50
Partition Group-ID                         : 32793
Shared Pool ID                             : 0
Online Virtual CPUs                        : 5
Maximum Virtual CPUs                       : 16
Minimum Virtual CPUs                       : 1
Online Memory                              : 8192 MB
Maximum Memory                             : 12288 MB
Minimum Memory                             : 1024 MB
Variable Capacity Weight                   : 128
Minimum Capacity                           : 0.10
Maximum Capacity                           : 16.00
Capacity Increment                         : 0.01
Maximum Physical CPUs in system            : 16
Active Physical CPUs in system             : 16
Active CPUs in Pool                        : 16
Shared Physical CPUs in system             : 16
Maximum Capacity of Pool                   : 1600
Entitled Capacity of Pool                  : 1300
Unallocated Capacity                       : 0.00
Physical CPU Percentage                    : 10.00%
Unallocated Weight                         : 0
Memory Mode                                : Shared
Total I/O Memory Entitlement               : 411.000 MB
Variable Memory Capacity Weight            : 128
Memory Pool ID                             : 0
Physical Memory in the Pool                : 224.000 GB
Hypervisor Page Size                       : 4K
Unallocated Variable Memory Capacity Weight: 0
Unallocated I/O Memory entitlement         : 0.000 MB
Memory Group ID of LPAR                    : 32793
Desired Virtual CPUs                       : 5
Desired Memory                             : 8192 MB
Desired Variable Capacity Weight           : 128
Desired Capacity                           : 0.50
Target Memory Expansion Factor             : -
Target Memory Expansion Size               : -
Power Saving Mode                          : Disabled
Sub Processor Mode                         : -

Find number of cores per processors (Oracle consider threads to be cores, when estimating for example cpu_count)

This system is SMT capable.
This system supports up to 4 SMT threads per processor.
SMT is currently enabled.
SMT boot mode is not set.
SMT threads are bound to the same virtual processor.

proc0 has 4 SMT threads.
Bind processor 0 is bound with proc0
Bind processor 1 is bound with proc0
Bind processor 2 is bound with proc0
Bind processor 3 is bound with proc0

proc4 has 4 SMT threads.
Bind processor 4 is bound with proc4
Bind processor 5 is bound with proc4
Bind processor 6 is bound with proc4
Bind processor 7 is bound with proc4

proc8 has 4 SMT threads.
Bind processor 8 is bound with proc8
Bind processor 9 is bound with proc8
Bind processor 10 is bound with proc8
Bind processor 11 is bound with proc8

proc12 has 4 SMT threads.
Bind processor 12 is bound with proc12
Bind processor 13 is bound with proc12
Bind processor 14 is bound with proc12
Bind processor 15 is bound with proc12

proc16 has 4 SMT threads.
Bind processor 16 is bound with proc16
Bind processor 17 is bound with proc16
Bind processor 18 is bound with proc16
Bind processor 19 is bound with proc16