_b_tree_bitmap_plans _fast_full_scan_enabled _grant_secure_role _like_with_bind_as_equality _projection_pushdown
2. create a Shell script to loop through the lines in remval_list.txt, called remove_params.sh:
for a in $(cat removal_list.txt ); do echo now testing $a sleep 1 curr_param=`grep -w $a init${ORACLE_SID}.ora | awk -F '[=]' '{ print $1 }'` if [ $curr_param ]; then echo removing $curr_param sed -i "/${curr_param}/d" init${ORACLE_SID}.ora sleep 1 else echo $a not found in parameter file. Skipping... sleep 1 fi; done exit 0
It is important to use the -w flag with grep, as many Oracle initialization parameters can be named similarly and the script will then save multiple values in the curr_param variable
3. Make Your script executable:
chmod 755 remove_params.sh
4. execute the script:
Expected output:
now testing _b_tree_bitmap_plans removing _b_tree_bitmap_plans now testing _fast_full_scan_enabled removing _fast_full_scan_enabled now testing _grant_secure_role _grant_secure_role not found in parameter file. Skipping... now testing _like_with_bind_as_equality removing _like_with_bind_as_equality now testing _projection_pushdown _projection_pushdown not found in parameter file. Skipping...