DGMGRL> validate database stb01 Database Role: Physical standby database Primary Database: proddb01 Ready for Switchover: Yes Ready for Failover: Yes (Primary Running) Flashback Database Status: proddb01: Off stb01: Off Managed by Clusterware: proddb01: NO stb01: NO Warning: Ensure primary database's StaticConnectIdentifier property is configured properly so that the primary database can be restarted by DGMGRL after switchover Automatic Diagnostic Repository Errors: Error proddb01 stb01 System data file missing NO YES User data file missing NO YESThis problem and its solution is outlined in Doc Id 2300040.1 "Known issues when using "Validate database" DGMGRL command" at Oracle Support.
Cause: The issue occurs because the old health check messages were not purged properly and the command VALIDATE DATABASE signals it found a failed check.
To get rid of this warning, rename the file HM_FINDING.ams from the ADR rdbms metadata folder or move it to another folder. This is what I did on my standby server:
cd /u01/oracle/diag/ find . -name "HM_FINDING.ams" ./rdbms/stb01/stb01/metadata/HM_FINDING.ams ./rdbms/stb01/proddb01/metadata/HM_FINDING.ams ./plsql/user_oracle/host_1804485962_107/metadata/HM_FINDING.amsRename or remove the files listed above and execute the "validate database" command in dgmgrl again. The message should now be gone for good.
Note that the file named HM_FINDING.ams will most likely reappear immediately after deletion. But this new copy will not cause the Data Guard Broker to throw warnings.