dbca -silent -deletePluggableDatabase \ -sourceDB cdb \ -pdbName pdb3 \
Minimalistic Oracle contains a collection of practical examples from my encounters with Oracle technologies. When relevant, I also write about other technologies, like Linux or PostgreSQL. Many of the posts starts with "how to" since they derive directly from my own personal experience. My goal is to provide simple examples, so that they can be easily adapted to other situations.
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
How to delete a pluggable database with dbca using the command line
How to create a pluggable database with dbca using the command line
In the following code snippet, I am creating the pluggable database "pdb3" as a copy of the already existing pluggable database "pdb1":
dbca -silent -createPluggableDatabase \ -sourceDB cdb.skead.no \ -pdbName pdb3 \ -sourcePDB pdb1 \ -createPDBFrom PDB \ -pdbDatafileDestination "/dbfiles/oradata/cdb/pdb3/" \ -pdbAdminPassword mysecretpassword1 \ -sysPassword mysecretpassword2 \ -systemPassword mysecretpassword3 \If you want to use the SEED database as source instead of an already existing database, remove the directive
-sourcePDB pdb1 \and use this directive instead:
-createPDBFrom DEFAULT \Source: Oracle 19c documentation
Friday, September 8, 2023
Script for creating a multitenant database with dbca
You have a valid Oracle 19c installation in a server
You have set your Oracle environment already, so that your PATH, ORACLE_SID etc already exists when you execute your script
The script called run_dbca.sh:
I commented out most instructions, as they are not needed.
The original template db_install.rsp is delivered by default with your oracle installation and resides in your $ORACLE_HOME/install/response.
Oracle 19c documentation: About creating a database with dbca
Oracle 19c documentation: Managing templates with dbca
Oracle-Base.com: Multitenant : Create and Configure a Pluggable Database (PDB) in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) - still a relevant and good source.
Oracle-base.com: a dbca template
Oracle-base.com: Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) : Creating Databases in Silent Mode
The script called run_dbca.sh:
#!/bin/bash start=$(date +%s.%N) export GLOGFILE=run_dbca.log touch ${GLOGFILE} chmod 666 ${GLOGFILE} exec 1> ${GLOGFILE} 2>&1 echo "Now running run_dbca.sh" echo "Resetting oratab..." echo '' > /etc/oratab if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not erase oratab. Exit." exit 1 else echo "oratab erased. Continuing..." fi export instanceAlive=`ps -ef| grep pmon | grep -v grep |awk '{ print $8}' | cut -f 3 -d"_"` if [ ! -z ${instanceAlive} ]; then echo "Instance for database $ORACLE_SID is already running. Shut it down first" exit 1 fi dbca -createDatabase -responsefile ./${ORACLE_SID}.rsp -silent echo "Finished running run_dbca.sh" dur=$(echo "$(date +%s.%N) - $start" | bc) printf "Total execution time for run_dbca.sh: %.6f seconds\n" $dur exit 0The response file can be seen below. I saved it in a file called cdb.rsp and put it in the same directory.
I commented out most instructions, as they are not needed.
The original template db_install.rsp is delivered by default with your oracle installation and resides in your $ORACLE_HOME/install/response.
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do not change the responseFileVersion diretive! #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- responseFileVersion=/oracle/assistants/rspfmt_dbca_response_schema_v19.0.0 gdbName=cdb.oric.no sid=cdb createAsContainerDatabase=true numberOfPDBs=1 pdbName=pdb1 useLocalUndoForPDBs=true pdbAdminPassword=mysecretpassword templateName=New_Database.dbt sysPassword=mysyspassword systemPassword=mysystempassword datafileDestination=/data01/oradata/cdb recoveryAreaDestination=/data02/fra characterSet=AL32UTF8 initParams=max_pdbs=3,db_create_file_dest_size=1024GB memoryPercentage=75 automaticMemoryManagement=false enableArchive=true redoLogFileSize=2048 dbOptions=JSERVER:false,DV:false,ORACLE_TEXT:false,IMEDIA:false,CWMLITE:false,SPATIAL:false,OMS:false,APEX:falseExecute the script like this:
./run_dbca.shFollow the progression of the creation in the log run_dbca.log:
tail -f run_dbca.logSources:
Oracle 19c documentation: About creating a database with dbca
Oracle 19c documentation: Managing templates with dbca
Oracle-Base.com: Multitenant : Create and Configure a Pluggable Database (PDB) in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) - still a relevant and good source.
Oracle-base.com: a dbca template
Oracle-base.com: Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) : Creating Databases in Silent Mode
Solution for [DBT-10317] Specified SID Name (SID) already exists when running dbca
When running dbca, for example like this:
1. you have a /etc/oratab which has an entry, for example:
Solution to case 1: remove entry
Solution to case 2: shutdown the instance
Rerun dbca and it will now proceed as expected.
dbca -createDatabase -responsefile ./cdb.rsp -silent [FATAL] [DBT-10317] Specified SID Name (cdb) already exists. ACTION: Specify a different SID Name that does not already exist.There are two potential reasons for the error:
1. you have a /etc/oratab which has an entry, for example:
cdb:/installedsw1/oracle/product/Ora19c:Y2. your instance is running.
Solution to case 1: remove entry
Solution to case 2: shutdown the instance
Rerun dbca and it will now proceed as expected.
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Syntax for switching over a container database using data guard broker
Here I am switching over a container database called cdb, to the standby server which is running a container database with unique name cdb_stby1.
First, view the configuration:
(DO NOT use os authentication with dgmgrl / as sysdba, it will throw an error)
First, view the configuration:
DGMGRL> show configuration Configuration - DGConfig1 Protection Mode: MaxPerformance Members: cdb - Primary database cdb_stby1 - Physical standby database Fast-Start Failover: Disabled Configuration Status: SUCCESS (status updated 84 seconds ago)Perform the switchover:
DGMGRL> switchover to 'cdb_stby1';Typical output from a successful switchover:
Performing switchover NOW, please wait... Operation requires a connection to database "cdb_stby1" Connecting ... Connected to "cdb_stby1" Connected as SYSDBA. New primary database "cdb_stby1" is opening... Operation requires start up of instance "cdb" on database "cdb" Starting instance "cdb"... Connected to an idle instance. ORACLE instance started. Connected to "cdb" Database mounted. Switchover succeeded, new primary is "cdb_stby1"If I wish to switch back, make sure you log on to whichever server is running your primary database at the time.
(DO NOT use os authentication with dgmgrl / as sysdba, it will throw an error)
dgmgrl sys@cdb_stby1 as sysdba DGMGRL for Linux: Release - Production on Thu Sep 7 15:27:27 2023 Version Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Welcome to DGMGRL, type "help" for information. Password: Connected to "cdb_stby1" Connected as SYSDBA. DGMGRL> show configuration; Configuration - DGConfig1 Protection Mode: MaxPerformance Members: cdb_stby1 - Primary database cdb - Physical standby database Fast-Start Failover: Disabled Configuration Status: SUCCESS (status updated 46 seconds ago) DGMGRL> switchover to cdb Performing switchover NOW, please wait... Operation requires a connection to database "cdb" Connecting ... Connected to "cdb" Connected as SYSDBA. New primary database "cdb" is opening... Operation requires start up of instance "cdb" on database "cdb_stby1" Starting instance "cdb"... Connected to an idle instance. ORACLE instance started. Connected to "cdb_stby1" Database mounted. Switchover succeeded, new primary is "cdb"
Thursday, August 31, 2023
How to extract all datafile names without path using substr and instr functions
select trim( substr(file_name, (instr(file_name,'/', -1, 1) +1) ) ) "file name" from dba_data_files;Result:
file name |
system01.dbf |
sysaux01.dbf |
undotbs01.dbf |
users01.dbf |
appl_data.dbf |
More on how to display the current container in a multitenant database
My listener is listening for connections to a service called "myservice1", which runs out of the pluggable database "pdb1":
connecting directly to a service served by the listener
switching schema within my session
The following will display the username, current schema, and the service my connction is connecting to:
lsnrctl status Service "pdb1" has 1 instance(s). <-- the default service for the pluggable database Instance "cdb", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... Service "myservice1" has 1 instance(s). <-- service defined by the DBA Instance "cdb", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...In the code snippet below, I am executing a script called disp_session.sql which will
The following will display the username, current schema, and the service my connction is connecting to:
alter session set current_schema=scott;
set lines 200
col service format a20
col container format a20
col username format a20
col "container ID" format a20
col schemaname format a20
select sys_context ('userenv','SERVICE_NAME') service,
sys_context ('userenv','CON_NAME') container,
sys_context ('userenv','CON_ID') "container ID",
sys_context ('userenv','CURRENT_USER') username,
sys_context ('userenv','CURRENT_SCHEMA') schemaname
from dual;
oracle@server1.oric.no:[cdb]# sqlplus system@myservice1 @disp_session.sql
Session altered.
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
myservice1 pdb1 4 SYSTEM SCOTT
Useful information when debugging client connections ;-)
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