Stop and disable the current postgres services (in this case, postgres version 15):
systemctl stop postgresql-15 systemctl disable postgresql-15Remove the packages using "yum remove":
rpm -qa | grep postgres | xargs yum remove -y
Minimalistic Oracle contains a collection of practical examples from my encounters with Oracle technologies. When relevant, I also write about other technologies, like Linux or PostgreSQL. Many of the posts starts with "how to" since they derive directly from my own personal experience. My goal is to provide simple examples, so that they can be easily adapted to other situations.
systemctl stop postgresql-15 systemctl disable postgresql-15Remove the packages using "yum remove":
rpm -qa | grep postgres | xargs yum remove -y
cd $TNS_ADMIN rm listener.ora3. Create new listener.ora directly under $TNS_ADMIN
cd $TNS_ADMIN vi listener.ora -- add the following -- cdb = (DESCRIPTION_LIST = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) ) ) SID_LIST_cdb = (SID_LIST = (SID_DESC = (ORACLE_HOME= /orasw/oracle/product/19_21) (SID_NAME = cdb) ) ) USE_SID_AS_SERVICE_cdb = ON STARTUP_WAIT_TIME_cdb = 0 CONNECT_TIMEOUT_cdb = 10 TRACE_LEVEL_cdb = ADMIN LOG_DIRECTORY_cdb = /orasw/oracle/product/19_21/network/admin LOG_FILE_cdb = cdb TRACE_DIRECTORY_cdb = /orasw/oracle/product/19_21/network/admin TRACE_FILE_cdb = cdb ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS_cdb = ON SUBSCRIBE_FOR_NODE_DOWN_EVENT_cdb = OFF # added parameters for bug# 9286476 LOG_STATUS_cdb = ON INBOUND_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_cdb = 60 # ADR is only applicable for 11gDB DIAG_ADR_ENABLED_cdb = ON ADR_BASE_cdb = /orasw/oracle/product/19_21/admin/mydb_myserver #IFILE=/orasw/oracle/product/19_21/network/admin/mydb_myserver/listener_ifile.ora4. Run autoconfig
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/mydb_myserver/ ./ Enter the APPS user password: Result: autoconfig succeeds.5. Create a new softlink under $TNS_ADMIN
cd $TNS_ADMIN ln -s mindb_minserver/listener.ora listener.ora
echo "Test: are there subdirectories in /orainst/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/cdb ?" ls $(pwd)/*/ > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? == 0 ]; then echo "Yes" export PDBDIR=`ls -d */ | awk -F '/' '{ print $1 }'` grep ERROR --exclude-dir=${PDBDIR} * | egrep -v $ignorelist else echo "No" grep ERROR * | egrep -v $ignorelist fiThe code above is based on a finding in this post on Stack Overflow.
cd /orasw/oracle/cfgtoollogs/dbca/cdb export PDBDIR=`ls -d */ | awk -F '/' '{ print $1 }'` export ignorelist='ORA_IGNORE_CVU_ERRORS||utlrp0.log|RMANUtil\$RMANUtilErrorListener.handleError:1386|RMANUtil\$RMANUtilErrorListener.handleError:1383|RMANEngine.readSqlOutput:1046' grep ERROR --exclude-dir=${PDBDIR} * | egrep -v $ignorelistThe errors I have excluded are based on my own observations on what's important or not during dbca usage.
# 080224: Created # Check if there is only one controlfile present. If yes, create two new ones in the desired locations #!/bin/bash #cleanup old files chkcntrfiles() { rm -f /tmp/chk_cntrfile_location.sql rm -f /tmp/chk_cntrfile_location.log sqlfile=/tmp/chk_cntrfile_location.sql logfile=/tmp/chk_cntrfile_location.log echo "Check controlfile locations in database " $ORACLE_SID cat << EoF > ${sqlfile} set lines 200 heading off feedback off verify off echo off termout off set pages 0 set trimspool on col name format a70 spool ${logfile} select name from v\$controlfile; exit EoF cd /home/oracle/&&sqlplus -s -L / as sysdba @${sqlfile} } chkcntrfiles if [ `cat ${logfile} | wc -l` -ge 2 ]; then echo "There are at least 2 controlfiles present" else echo "There is only one controfile present." echo "Will now shutdown db and make another copy" echo "shutdown immediate" | sqlplus / as sysdba export org_contr_file=`cat ${logfile}` cp -v $org_contr_file /disk1/oradata/$ORACLE_SID/control01.ctl cp -v $org_contr_file /disk2/fra/$ORACLE_SID/control02.ctl echo "startup nomount" | sqlplus / as sysdba echo "alter system set control_files='/disk1/oradata/$ORACLE_SID/control01.ctl','/disk2/fra/$ORACLE_SID/control02.ctl' scope=spfile;" | sqlplus / as sysdba echo "startup mount force;" | sqlplus / as sysdba echo "Check new controlfile locations in database " $ORACLE_SID chkcntrfiles if [ ! `cat ${logfile} | wc -l` -ge 2 ]; then echo "We tried creating two new controlfiles but failed for some reason. Manual checkup required." exit 1 fi echo "Alles OK!" echo "alter database open;" | sqlplus / as sysdba fi exit
echo $ORACLE_SID testdb01 echo $ORACLE_HOME=/orasw/oracle/product/current ls -la /orasw/oracle/product/current lrwxrwxrwx 1 oracle dba 12 Jan 31 08:34 /orasw/oracle/product/current -> 19.21 ls -la sqlplus / as sysdbaThe above statement will not be able to connect to your instance.
sqlplus sys@testdb01 as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jan 31 08:38:42 2024 Version Copyright (c) 1982, 2022, Oracle. All rights reserved. Enter password: Connected to: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version SYS@testdb01>SQL>show user USER is "SYS"So in order to create a bequeath session, you need an ORACLE_HOME variable that does not use symbolic links.
============================== Inside searchFileContents()... ============================== log_file: /u01/app/oracle/product/19x00_231017/appsutil/log/TXK_POST_PDB_Fri_Jan_26_19_15_34_2024/validate_system_password.log pattern: ERROR ================ Pattern found... ================ EXIT STATUS: 1 Invalid SYSTEM database user credentials. LOG FILE: /u01/app/oracle/product/19x00_231017/appsutil/log/TXK_POST_PDB_Fri_Jan_26_19_15_34_2024/validate_system_password.log. *******FATAL ERROR******* PROGRAM : (/u01/app/oracle/product/19x00_231017/appsutil/bin/ TIME : Fri Jan 26 19:18:47 2024 FUNCTION: main::validateSystemSchemaCredentials [ Level 1 ] ERRORMSG: Invalid SYSTEM database user credentials. *******FATAL ERROR******* PROGRAM : (/u01/app/oracle/product/19x00_231017/appsutil/bin/ TIME : Fri Jan 26 19:18:47 2024 FUNCTION: main::validateSystemSchemaCredentials [ Level 1 ] ERRORMSG: Invalid SYSTEM database user credentials.So the system password was not set correctly. Note that this is the only error in the logfile. All other tests had passed!
export ORACLE_SID=cdb sqlplus / as sysdba alter user system identified by by mysecretpassword container=all;Test your connection, preferrably from the apptier. Log on to the PDB, in this case EBSTEST, using the system account:
sqlplus system@EBSTEST Enter password: Connected to: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production SQL> show user USER is "SYSTEM"So the password is now confirmed to be correct.
export ORACLE_SID=cdb # source the environment cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil . ./txkSetCfgCDB.env dboraclehome=<your 19c OH path here> perl $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/bin/ -dboraclehome=<your 19c OH path here> \ -outdir=<your 19c OH path here>/appsutil/log -cdbsid=cdb -pdbsid=EBSTEST \ -appsuser=<APPSUSER> -dbport=<LISTENING PORT> -servicetype=onpremise
select name, value from v$parameter where name = 'utl_file_dir'; and select name, value from v$parameter where name = 'utl_file_dir';should yield the same output as the text file found in your $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/EBSTEST_utlfiledir.txt file.
/sw/oracle/product/temp/EBSTEST /usr/tmp/EBSTEST /<oracle_19c_home>/appsutil/outbound/EBSTEST_<myservername>Second, it creates two environment files in your $ORACLE_HOME that can be used to source the cdb and the PDB environments,respectively. The are called