select trim( substr(file_name, (instr(file_name,'/', -1, 1) +1) ) ) "file name" from dba_data_files;Result:
file name |
system01.dbf |
sysaux01.dbf |
undotbs01.dbf |
users01.dbf |
appl_data.dbf |
Minimalistic Oracle contains a collection of practical examples from my encounters with Oracle technologies. When relevant, I also write about other technologies, like Linux or PostgreSQL. Many of the posts starts with "how to" since they derive directly from my own personal experience. My goal is to provide simple examples, so that they can be easily adapted to other situations.
select trim( substr(file_name, (instr(file_name,'/', -1, 1) +1) ) ) "file name" from dba_data_files;Result:
file name |
system01.dbf |
sysaux01.dbf |
undotbs01.dbf |
users01.dbf |
appl_data.dbf |
lsnrctl status Service "pdb1" has 1 instance(s). <-- the default service for the pluggable database Instance "cdb", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service... Service "myservice1" has 1 instance(s). <-- service defined by the DBA Instance "cdb", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service...In the code snippet below, I am executing a script called disp_session.sql which will
alter session set current_schema=scott;
set lines 200
col service format a20
col container format a20
col username format a20
col "container ID" format a20
col schemaname format a20
select sys_context ('userenv','SERVICE_NAME') service,
sys_context ('userenv','CON_NAME') container,
sys_context ('userenv','CON_ID') "container ID",
sys_context ('userenv','CURRENT_USER') username,
sys_context ('userenv','CURRENT_SCHEMA') schemaname
from dual;[cdb]# sqlplus system@myservice1 @disp_session.sql
Session altered.
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
myservice1 pdb1 4 SYSTEM SCOTT
Useful information when debugging client connections ;-)
initParams=undo_tablespace=UNDOTBS1,sga_target=9GB,db_block_size=32768BYTES,control_files=\"\/u02\/oradata\/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}\/control01.ctl\"\,\"\/recovery\/fra\/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}\/control01.ctl\"),db_recovery_file_dest=\/recovery\/fra\/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}in the file "myresponsefile.rsp":
sed -i "s/initParams=/initParams=undo_tablespace=UNDOTBS1,sga_target=9GB,db_block_size=32768BYTES,control_files=\"\/u02\/oradata\/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}\/control01.ctl\"\,\"\/recovery\/fra\/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME}\/control01.ctl\"),db_recovery_file_dest=\/u04\/recovery\/{DB_UNIQUE_NAME} /" myreponse_file.rspNote that all double quotes (") and forward (/) slashes must be masked by the backslash charcater \ to be interpreted correctly.
dbca -createDatabase -responsefile mydb01.rsp -silentBut it errors out with the error:
[WARNING] ORA-00058: DB_BLOCK_SIZE must be 8192 to mount this database (not 16384)and the instance is left running, with an unmounted database.
set serveroutput on set feedback off set echo off set verify off DECLARE v_db_name v$; v_rb v$; BEGIN execute immediate 'alter session set nls_language=''american'''; select name into v_db_name from v$database; select value into v_rb from v$system_parameter where name = 'recyclebin'; --dbms_output.put_line('v_db_name: ' || v_db_name); --dbms_output.put_line('v_rb: ' || v_rb); CASE WHEN v_rb = 'ON' THEN dbms_output.put_line('Database ' || v_db_name || ': recyclebin already enabled.'); ELSE dbms_output.put_line('Database ' || v_db_name || ': recyclebin is currently disabled. Turning it on now...'); execute immediate 'alter system set recyclebin=ON scope=spfile'; dbms_output.put_line('Database ' || v_db_name || ' now has recyclebin=ON in spfile. Database must be bounced in in order to enable the setting'); END CASE; END; / exitWhen we execute the script through emcli, the syntax comes to:
emcli execute_sql -sql="FILE" -iemcli execute_sql -sql="FILE" -input_file="FILE:/scripts/chk_and_alter_param.sql" -targets="TEST_DBS:composite"
cp $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbca.ori2. vi the dbca file in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.
# Run DBCA $JRE_DIR/bin/jre -DORACLE_HOME=$OH -DJDBC_PROTOCOL=thin -mx64m -classpath $CLASSPATH oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.Dbca $ARGUMENTS4. Add the following just before the -classpath in the '$JRE_DIR' line:
-DTRACING.ENABLED=true -DTRACING.LEVEL=25. At the end of the dbca file, the string should now look like this:
# Run DBCA $JRE_DIR/bin/jre -DORACLE_HOME=$OH -DJDBC_PROTOCOL=thin -mx64m -DTRACING.ENABLED=true -DTRACING.LEVEL=2 -classpath $CLASSPATH oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.Dbca $ARGUMENTS6. To trace, run:
[host]/u01/home/usupport> dbca > dbca.out >The output will be written to the dbca.out file.
column pdb_name format a20 column status format a20 prompt prompt List of PDBs available on this server: prompt select p.pdb_name from dba_pdbs p join v$pdbs v on (p.pdb_id = v.con_id) where open_mode='READ WRITE' / accept pdb_name DEFAULT 'CDB$ROOT' prompt 'Select a PDB (default=root container): ' alter session set container=&&pdb_name; col con_name format a40 set lines 200 select 'You are connected to: ' || sys_context('USERENV','CON_NAME') "con_name" from dual; col name format a20 col global format a20 col pdb format a20 col con_name format a20 col network_name format a20 col creation_Date format a20 prompt V$SERVICES select name,global,pdb,network_name from v$services / prompt V$ACTIVE_SERVICES select name,global,con_name,network_name from v$active_services / prompt DBA_SERVICES select service_id,name,network_name,creation_date,pdb from dba_services / prompt CDB_SERVICES select service_id,name,network_name,creation_date,pdb from cdb_services / exit