Tuesday, January 6, 2015

How to use multiple delimiters in awk

When creating a script for cloning, I wanted to perform some initial checks. One of them was to make sure the listener for the source database was up. For this, I wanted to use the tnsping utility and grep for the result:

tnsping mydb

where mydb corresponds to the tnsnames.ora alias of interest.

* If there was an error, exit script.
* If listener was up, continue.

I directed the output to a file, and after that grepped for the string that would indicate success or failure.
Problem was that the files would look very different and the interesting string would need to be grepped for using two different delimiters.

When successful, the file would look as follows:
OK (10 msec)

When not successful, the output would be:

TNS-03505: Failed to resolve name

So how to pull out either "TNS" or "OK" and use these values programmatically further on in the script?

I accomplished this task simply by using the notation '[-(]'in my awk statement:
REMOTE_LSNR_STATUS=`cat ${LOG_DIR}/test_tnsping.log | egrep -e 'TNS-|OK' | awk -F '[-(]' '{ print $1 }'`

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