Wednesday, May 12, 2021

How to repeat a command for all the lines i a text file using vi

This is a handy command for all those using the vi editor to fix scripts with many lines. For example, I had to create statements like this:
catalog start with '/recovery_data/PRODDB01/archivelog/2021_05_06/o1_mf_1_391574_j98pt1n9_.arc';
and then execute it as a script in RMAN. I did the following
cd /recovery_data/PRODDB01/archivelog/2021_05_06
ls *.arc > register_06052021.cmd
open the file in vi:
vi register_06052021.cmd
check the number of lines:
:set number [enter]
press Shift+G [enter] - you're taken to the end of the file. In my case, the file had a total of 98 lines Go to the top of the file:
:0 [enter]
Now type to record your action:
q a I catalog start with '/recovery_data/PRODDB01/archivelog/2021_05_06/  ESC j q
Repeat it 97 times:
97 @ a
I also needed to add a closing '; at the end of each statement, to be able to pass it to RMAN. Turned out to be as easy as going to the top of the file again, and then execute:
q a A '; ESC j q
Repeat it 97 times:
97 @ a

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