Thursday, July 11, 2024

How to solve RMAN-08137: warning: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process

In one of my cloned databases, the FRA was filling up and pushing towards the limit of 2 TB.

Since it was cloned from a production database using Golden Gate, the capture processes followed along, but was not dropped in the cloned database.

This caused the deletion policy in RMAN to be overriden because Oracle thinks it will need the archivelogs for Golden Gate, even though no Golden Gate is configured for this particular database.

When deleting an archivelog, RMAN would throw an error:
RMAN> delete archivelog sequence 47447;

allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=1352 device type=DISK
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_2
channel ORA_DISK_2: SID=1354 device type=DISK
RMAN-08137: warning: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process
archived log file name=/u04/fra/CDB/archivelog/2024_03_13/o1_mf_1_47447__j5wx4r32_.arc thread=1 sequence=47447
The query below revealed the name of the blocking capture processes:
sqlplus / as sysdba --> log on to root container
SYS@_container_name SQL>  SELECT CAPTURE_NAME,
            to_char(REQUIRED_CHECKPOINT_SCN,'999999999999999')as REQ_SCN ,
            to_char(OLDEST_SCN,'999999999999999')as OLDEST_SCN
     FROM DBA_CAPTURE;   2    3    4    5

-------------------- ---------- -------- ---------------- ----------------
OGG$CAP_MYDB2ABC     LOCAL      DISABLED     426508588124     426508588124
OGG$CAP_MYDB2DEF     LOCAL      DISABLED     426508561845     426508561845
Solution was to use the package dbms_capture_adm and drop the captures:
sqlplus / as sysdba --> log on to root container

SYS@_container_name SQL> exec dbms_capture_adm.drop_capture('OGG$CAP_MYDB2ABC');
SYS@_container_name SQL> exec dbms_capture_adm.drop_capture('OGG$CAP_MYDB2DEF');
Thanks to Bobby Curtis for pointing me in the righ direction with his post about the same topic

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