Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Where does an Oracle EBS 12.2 appserver save logs from the concurrent worker processes?

Look in the directory $ADOP_LOG_HOME

In here, every session will create its own subfolder. In my case
10  11  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
In my case, I had to enter the folder named after session 11.

In here you will find folders named according to exection time, for example


Inside this folder, you will find folders named according to action, for example "prepare", "cutover", or "apply".

In my case, step inside the "apply" directory and you will find a folder named after your appserver.

Finally, you will find a folder named according to the patch number, for example
with a log directory underneath it.

So the path $ADOP_LOG_HOME/11/20240916_135516/apply/oric-ebsapp01/36876222_N/log is the complete path to your my log directory for the session I am looking for.

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