Monday, November 18, 2013

How to use the APPEND hint to optimize INSERT statements

When using the APPEND hint, you are telling the optimizer to use direct-path INSERT.

Serialized inserts:
Simply specify the APPEND hint in each INSERT statement, either immediately after the INSERT keyword or immediately after the SELECT keyword in the subquery of the INSERT statement.
INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO sales 
       SELECT product_id, customer_id, TRUNC(sales_date), 3, promotion_id, quantity, amount
       FROM sales_activity_direct;

Parallelized inserts:
First, enable parallel DML in your session:
Then, specify the APPEND hint with the PARALLEL hint:
       SELECT product_id, customer_id, TRUNC(sales_date), 3, promotion_id, quantity, amount
       FROM sales_activity_direct;

You can use NOLOGGING with APPEND to make the process even faster. NOLOGGING allows the direct-path INSERT operation to generate a negligible amount of REDO:
       SELECT product_id, customer_id, TRUNC(sales_date), 3, promotion_id, quantity, amount
       FROM sales_activity_direct;

* If the database or tablespace is in FORCE LOGGING mode, then direct path INSERT always logs, regardless of the logging setting.
* Direct-path INSERT is the default insert method when running in parallel mode, but unless you have specified the DEGREE attribute for your table, you still need to use the PARALLEL hint for each insert operation.
* Oracle Database performs index maintenance at the end of direct-path INSERT operations on tables that have indexes.

What types of indexes can be created on a partitioned table?

My customer wanted to introduce partitioning on certain tables. I was asked me to give an overview of the different indexing options available after a table has been partitioned.

In short, there are four types of indexes to be considered for partitioned tables:

1. Local Partitioned Indexes
2. Global Partitioned Indexes
3. Global Non-partitioned Indexes
4. Bitmap Indexes

1. Local Partitioned Indexes

Local partitioned indexes always inherit the partitioning key from the table and are fully aligned with the table partitions. Oracle calls this concept "equipartitioning": "each partition of a local index is associated with exactly one partition of the table"

Local indexes can only be unique if the partitioning key is a part of the index key.

New partitions are added to local indexes only when you add a partition to the underlying table. Likewise, they are dropped only when you drop a partition from the underlying table. In other words, you cannot explicitly add a partition to a local index.

Two types of local indexes

There are two types of local indexes: Prefixed and non-prefixed.

Prefixed means that the table's partition key column is referenced first in the index, while a non-prefixed key does not.

Oracle states that non-prefixed local indexes are useful for historical databases, although I haven't had any expirence yet that would confirm this.

For an example of a unique local prefixed index along with some useful queries, click here
For an example of a local non-prefixed index along With some useful queries, click here

The obvious advantage of using local indexes is managebility and flexibilty. Any operation on a single partition will only affect the relevant index partition, and not the intire index as such.

2. Global Partitioned Indexes

Partitioned indexes whose patitions are not aligned with the table's partitions are called global partitioned indexes. In other Words, there is no relation between a table's partitions and a global index partition.

The keys in a particular index partition may refer to rows stored in multiple underlying table partitions or subpartitions.

Global partitioned indexes give the flexibility to choose a partitioning key that is most optimal for performance. Oracle also claims that under some circumstances, having multiple segments for an index can be beneficial for performance.

Two types of global partitioned indexes

There are two types of Global Partitioned Indexes:

* Global Hash Partitioned indexes: improves performance by spreading out contention when the index is monotonically growing on the right side of the index. Using a hashing algorithm, Oracle creates the specified number of hash partitions and spread the index Blocks uniformly accross these.

For an example, see this post

* Global Range Partitioned indexes: adds flexibility: the degree of partitioning and the partitioning key are independent from the table's partitioning method.

For an example, see this post

Both of these types can be defined on any type of partitioned table (list, range, hash etc.).

3. Global Non-partitioned Indexes

These are simply normal indexes. The fact that the underlying table is partitioned does not matter. The index spans all partitions.

Global indexes can be unique.

4. Bitmap Indexes
You can create bitmap indexes on partitioned tables, with the restriction that the bitmap indexes must be local to the partitioned table. They cannot be global indexes.

Friday, November 15, 2013

What is the difference between direct-path INSERT and conventional INSERT?

• During conventional INSERT operations, the database reuses free space in the table, interleaving newly inserted data with existing data. During such operations, the database also maintains referential integrity constraints.

• During direct-path INSERT operations, the database appends the inserted data after existing data in the table. Data is written directly into datafiles, bypassing the buffer cache. Free space in the existing data is not reused, and referential integrity constraints are ignored. These procedures combined can enhance performance.

Source: Oracle Documentation

Possible reason for RMAN-06059: "expected archived log not found, lost of archived log compromises recoverability"

After having changed the archive log destination, I received the following when performing ARCHIVELOG backups:

Starting backup at 25-NOV-2008
current log archived
released channel: t1
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of backup command at 11/25/2008 10:57:56
RMAN-06059: expected archived log not found, lost of archived log compromises recoverability
ORA-19625: error identifying file /app/oracle/admin/PRODDP/archive670098694_1_1.arc
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
SVR4 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3

I needed to run a crosscheck after having pointed out the new archive log destination to the recovery catalog:
allocate channel for maintenance type disk; 
run {
set archivelog destination to '/app/oracle/admin/PRODDB/archive';
change archivelog all crosscheck;

After this has been run, I could backup up the ARCHIVELOGS successfully using tape (or disk) backups:
run {
allocate channel t1 type sbt PARMS="BLKSIZE=1048576" maxpiecesize 32G maxopenfiles 64;
send 'NB_ORA_POLICY=O_SYR_loc1,,NB_ORA_SCHED=O_SYR_loc1_user';
backup archivelog all; 
release channel t1;

How to use dbms_random to generate an always-changing string

For a demonstration of Flashback Data Archive, I had to create a daily update to a column in a test table.

The following function did the trick:

select dbms_random.string( 'L',dbms_random.value(10,30) ) from dual;

by returning strings similar to jsytbbtmxrusgmlz or gilqpizjaislueuocqlxydpngtup

"L" is an optional paramter to the STRING function, stating what type of string that should be produced. "L" means "always lowercase".

The numbers 10 and 30 in the value () function returns a string between 10 and 30 characters in length.

Other types of strings you can generate are:

• 'u', 'U' - uppercase alpha characters
• 'l', 'L' - lowercase alpha characters
• 'a', 'A' - mixed case alpha characters
• 'x', 'X' - uppercase alpha-numeric characters
• 'p', 'P' - any printable characters

Oracle-Base contains an excellent article about dbms_random.

How to use the PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE (PUP) table to prevent SQL*Plus access to database

This article is relevant to versions < 18.1. In Oracle 18c, the PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE table is deprecated, and will be completely removed in Oracle 19c. For more information, consult the documentation

In cases where you have an oracle client installed on a user's PC, skilled users can easily us sqlplus as a "backdoor" to the database by connecting directly through sqlplus instead of using their designated applications. Here is a trick to prevent that from happening, without too much effort for the DBA nor for the PC maintenance guys.

What is it?
Users can be restricted based on the SQL*Plus product usage.
This is achieved by inserting the restrictions in the PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE (PUP) table, owned by the SYSTEM user.
SQL*Plus reads the restrictions from the PUP table when a user logs in and applies those restrictions for the session.

How does it work?
SQL*Plus will not read the PUP table if a user logs in with the SYSDBA or
SYSOPER privilege and therefore no restrictions will apply.

How to set up?
The table SQLPLUS_PRODUCT_PROFILE is automatically created on installation in the SYSTEM schema.
To explicitly create it, run pupbld.sql script

Then insert the following lines to prevent user SCOTT from doing DML and SELECT:

insert into product_user_profile(product,userid,attribute,char_value) values ('SQL*Plus','SCOTT','SELECT','DISABLED');
insert into product_user_profile (product,userid,attribute,char_value) values ('SQL*Plus','SCOTT','UPDATE','DISABLED');
insert into product_user_profile (product,userid,attribute,char_value) values ('SQL*Plus','SCOTT','INSERT','DISABLED');
insert into product_user_profile (product,userid,attribute,char_value) values ('SQL*Plus','SCOTT','DELETE','DISABLED');

Check with:
SELECT product,userid,attribute,char_value
FROM system.product_user_profile;

---------- --------- --------------------  ------------- 
SQL*Plus   SCOTT     DELETE                DISABLED
SQL*Plus   SCOTT     INSERT                DISABLED
SQL*Plus   SCOTT     SELECT                DISABLED
To prevent access from using PL/SQL:
For example, the DELETE privilege disabled for user SCOTT can easily be executed through a PL/SQL block!
This can be avoided by removing the PL/SQL block creation access itself.
insert into system.product_profile (product, userid, attribute, char_value) 
                               values ('SQL*Plus', 'SCOTT', 'DECLARE', 'DISABLED'); 

   insert into system.product_profile (product, userid, attribute, char_value) 
                             values ('SQL*Plus', 'SCOTT', 'BEGIN', 'DISABLED'); 

SQL> connect scott/tiger
SQL> select * from user_tables;
SP2-0544: Command "select" disabled in Product User Profile


- Can only be used for SQL*Plus
- Only applies to local databases. The PUP table restrictions will not be implemented using a database link to a remote database.

More info here

How to temporarily alter a PROFILE

Temporarily disable the password verify function and set it back to the original value again when you're done:

SQL> ALTER PROFILE DEFAULT LIMIT password_verify_function NULL;
Profile altered.


Profile altered.