To limit a rebuild to a specific index subpartition only, use the following syntax:
Notice the use of the ONLINE keyward, which will allow DML against the table (and thus update the index).
To generate rebuild-statements, one index at a time, I have used the script below.
It takes as arguments
1. The index owner
2. The index name
3. The new tablespace where you want to place your subpartitions
4. The old tablespace from which you want to move out
set termout off select 'alter session set nls_language=''american'';' from dual; set termout on accept index_owner prompt 'Index owner: ' accept index_name prompt 'Index name: ' accept new_tabspc prompt 'New tablespace: ' accept old_tabspc prompt 'Old tablespace: ' set lines 300 set heading off set feedback off set verify off set echo off set pages 0 set trimspool on spool exec_move_subpart_&&index_owner..&&index_name..sql select 'alter session set nls_language=''american'';' from dual; select 'alter session force parallel ddl;' from dual; select 'set timing on' from dual; select 'set lines 200' from dual; select 'set trimspool on' from dual; select 'spool exec_rebuild_subpart_&&index_owner..&&index_name..log' from dual; select 'exec DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE(module_name=>''Move'', action_name=>''Rebuild_supbart_&&index_name'');' from dual; select 'exec DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_CLIENT_INFO (client_info=>''Rebuild_supbart_t_&&index_name'');' from dual; select 'exec DBMS_SESSION.SET_IDENTIFIER (client_id=>''Rebuild_supbart_&&index_name''); ' from dual; select 'prompt moving the index subpartitions from &&old_tabspc to &&new_tabspc,' from dual; select 'prompt and setting default attributes for the involved partitions. ' from dual; SELECT 'ALTER INDEX ' || IDXSUBPART.INDEX_OWNER || '.' || IDXSUBPART.INDEX_NAME || ' rebuild subpartition ' || IDXSUBPART.SUBPARTITION_NAME || ' tablespace &&new_tabspc ONLINE;' FROM DBA_IND_SUBPARTITIONS IDXSUBPART JOIN DBA_SEGMENTS S ON (IDXSUBPART.SUBPARTITION_NAME = S.PARTITION_NAME ) WHERE IDXSUBPART.INDEX_NAME='&&index_name' AND IDXSUBPART.TABLESPACE_NAME='&&old_tabspc' AND S.SEGMENT_TYPE='INDEX SUBPARTITION' union select distinct 'alter index ' || IDXSUBPART.INDEX_OWNER || '.' || IDXSUBPART.INDEX_NAME || ' modify default attributes for partition ' || idxsubpart.partition_name || ' tablespace &&new_tabspc;' FROM DBA_IND_SUBPARTITIONS IDXSUBPART JOIN DBA_SEGMENTS S ON (IDXSUBPART.SUBPARTITION_NAME = S.PARTITION_NAME ) WHERE IDXSUBPART.INDEX_NAME='&&index_name' AND IDXSUBPART.TABLESPACE_NAME='&&old_tabspc' AND S.SEGMENT_TYPE='INDEX SUBPARTITION'; select 'exit' from dual; exit
Run it as a user with access to the data dictionary:
sqlplus / as sysdba @gen_move_idx_subpart.sql
It will generate a new script called exec_move_subpart_<username>.<index_name>.sql which will actually perform the rebuild:
sqlplus / as sysdba @exec_move_subpart_<username>.<index_name>.sqlI also added som calls to dbms_application_info so that the session can be easily found in v$session