PostgreSQL does not support Global Indexes, i.e indexes that spans all partitions in a partitioned table.
The documentation states:
Although all partitions must have the same columns as their partitioned parent, partitions may have their own indexes,
constraints and default values, distinct from those of other partitions.
Create an index on the key column(s), as well as any other indexes you might want, on the partitioned table.
This automatically creates a matching index on each partition, and any partitions you create or attach later will also have such an index.
An index or unique constraint declared on a partitioned table is “virtual” in the same way that the partitioned table is: the actual data is in child indexes on the individual partition tables.
A proposal to add such feature seem to have been suggested back in 2019, but currently no implementation exists.
I also found this comparison between Oracle and PostgreSQL that elaborates on the topic a bit more.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
How to create a LIST-partitioned table with a primary key in PostgreSQL
In my experiements with a new RDBMS, I have tried to replicate what I am familiar with from Oracle, to Postgres.
Postgres supports partitioning: RANGE, LIST and HASH.
Here are some findings regarding LIST partitioning, which is extensively used in Oracle by my customers:
To create a list partitioned table in Postgres:
CREATE TABLE orders( order_id integer, country_code VARCHAR(5), customer_id integer, order_date DATE, order_total numeric(8,2) ) PARTITION BY LIST (country_code);
Add the desired partitions:
When working with Oracle, the equivalent table in Oracle could have been defined with a primary key on the column order_id:
CREATE TABLE orders( order_id number primary key, country_code varchar2(5), customer_id number, order_date date, order_total number(8,2) ) PARTITION BY LIST (country_code);
With PostgreSQL however, doing so will result in an error:
Error: ERROR: insufficient columns in PRIMARY KEY constraint definition Detail: PRIMARY KEY constraint on table "orders" lacks column "country_code" which is part of the partition key |
If the primary key is changed to use the partitioning column, you'll get a valid primary key:
CREATE TABLE orders( id integer, country_code VARCHAR(5) primary key, customer_id integer, order_date DATE, order_total numeric(8,2) ) PARTITION BY LIST (country_code);
But this is not what I want, since my table is designed to store multiple values for each country.
To create a partitioned table including a valid primary key:
CREATE TABLE orders( id integer, country_code VARCHAR(5), customer_id integer, order_date DATE, order_total numeric(8,2), PRIMARY KEY (id,country_code) ) PARTITION BY LIST (country_code);
As long as the primary key includes the partition key, the syntax is accepted by the postgres server.
This is different from Oracle, where you define the primary key independently of the partition key.
As with Oracle, a primary key constraint will automatically create a unique B-tree index.
Note that
PRIMARY KEY (id,country_code)can alternatively be replaced by
UNIQUE (id,country_code)
The result is the same, either way.
Tuesday, August 1, 2017
How to rebuild an index subpartition
To limit a rebuild to a specific index subpartition only, use the following syntax:
Notice the use of the ONLINE keyward, which will allow DML against the table (and thus update the index).
To generate rebuild-statements, one index at a time, I have used the script below.
It takes as arguments
1. The index owner
2. The index name
3. The new tablespace where you want to place your subpartitions
4. The old tablespace from which you want to move out
set termout off select 'alter session set nls_language=''american'';' from dual; set termout on accept index_owner prompt 'Index owner: ' accept index_name prompt 'Index name: ' accept new_tabspc prompt 'New tablespace: ' accept old_tabspc prompt 'Old tablespace: ' set lines 300 set heading off set feedback off set verify off set echo off set pages 0 set trimspool on spool exec_move_subpart_&&index_owner..&&index_name..sql select 'alter session set nls_language=''american'';' from dual; select 'alter session force parallel ddl;' from dual; select 'set timing on' from dual; select 'set lines 200' from dual; select 'set trimspool on' from dual; select 'spool exec_rebuild_subpart_&&index_owner..&&index_name..log' from dual; select 'exec DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE(module_name=>''Move'', action_name=>''Rebuild_supbart_&&index_name'');' from dual; select 'exec DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_CLIENT_INFO (client_info=>''Rebuild_supbart_t_&&index_name'');' from dual; select 'exec DBMS_SESSION.SET_IDENTIFIER (client_id=>''Rebuild_supbart_&&index_name''); ' from dual; select 'prompt moving the index subpartitions from &&old_tabspc to &&new_tabspc,' from dual; select 'prompt and setting default attributes for the involved partitions. ' from dual; SELECT 'ALTER INDEX ' || IDXSUBPART.INDEX_OWNER || '.' || IDXSUBPART.INDEX_NAME || ' rebuild subpartition ' || IDXSUBPART.SUBPARTITION_NAME || ' tablespace &&new_tabspc ONLINE;' FROM DBA_IND_SUBPARTITIONS IDXSUBPART JOIN DBA_SEGMENTS S ON (IDXSUBPART.SUBPARTITION_NAME = S.PARTITION_NAME ) WHERE IDXSUBPART.INDEX_NAME='&&index_name' AND IDXSUBPART.TABLESPACE_NAME='&&old_tabspc' AND S.SEGMENT_TYPE='INDEX SUBPARTITION' union select distinct 'alter index ' || IDXSUBPART.INDEX_OWNER || '.' || IDXSUBPART.INDEX_NAME || ' modify default attributes for partition ' || idxsubpart.partition_name || ' tablespace &&new_tabspc;' FROM DBA_IND_SUBPARTITIONS IDXSUBPART JOIN DBA_SEGMENTS S ON (IDXSUBPART.SUBPARTITION_NAME = S.PARTITION_NAME ) WHERE IDXSUBPART.INDEX_NAME='&&index_name' AND IDXSUBPART.TABLESPACE_NAME='&&old_tabspc' AND S.SEGMENT_TYPE='INDEX SUBPARTITION'; select 'exit' from dual; exit
Run it as a user with access to the data dictionary:
sqlplus / as sysdba @gen_move_idx_subpart.sql
It will generate a new script called exec_move_subpart_<username>.<index_name>.sql which will actually perform the rebuild:
sqlplus / as sysdba @exec_move_subpart_<username>.<index_name>.sqlI also added som calls to dbms_application_info so that the session can be easily found in v$session
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
How to generate a script to rebuild unusable index partitions
set trimspool on set lines 200 set pages 0 set heading off set verify off set feedback off set echo off spool rebuild_stmts.sql --Rebuild the index partition to the same tablespace: SELECT 'alter index ' || idx.table_owner || '.' || idx.index_name || ' rebuild partition ' || idxpart.partition_name || ';' FROM dba_indexes idx, dba_ind_partitions idxpart WHERE idx.table_owner = 'SCOTT' AND idx.index_name = idxpart.index_name AND idxpart.status <> 'USABLE' ORDER BY idx.table_owner, idx.index_name / --For a specific INDEX, reallocating the index partitions to a new tablespace: SELECT 'alter index ' || idx.table_owner || '.' || idx.index_name || ' rebuild partition ' || idxpart.partition_name || ' TABLESPACE MYTABLESPACE;' FROM dba_indexes idx, dba_ind_partitions idxpart WHERE idx.table_owner = 'SCOTT' AND idx.index_name = idxpart.index_name AND idx.index_name = 'IDX_01' AND idxpart.status <> 'USABLE' ORDER BY idx.table_owner, idx.index_name / --Use sqlplus variables, also reallocating the index partitions to a new tablespace: SELECT 'alter index ' || idx.table_owner || '.' || idx.index_name || ' rebuild partition ' || idxpart.partition_name || ' TABLESPACE MYTABLESPACE;' FROM dba_indexes idx, dba_ind_partitions idxpart WHERE idx.table_owner = 'SCOTT' AND idx.index_name = idxpart.index_name AND idx.index_name = '&&index_name' AND idxpart.status <> 'USABLE' ORDER BY idx.table_owner, idx.index_name / -- Rebuild index subpartitions. Also add a parallel statement and the ONLINE keyword: SELECT 'alter index ' || IDX.TABLE_OWNER || '.' || IDX.INDEX_NAME || ' rebuild subpartition ' || IDXSUBPART.SUBPARTITION_NAME || ' parallel 4 tablespace ' || IDXSUBPART.TABLESPACE_NAME ||' online;' FROM DBA_INDEXES IDX, DBA_IND_SUBPARTITIONS IDXSUBPART WHERE IDX.TABLE_OWNER IN ('SCOTT','JAMES') AND IDX.INDEX_NAME = IDXSUBPART.INDEX_NAME AND IDX.INDEX_NAME IN (SELECT UNIQUE INDEX_NAME FROM DBA_IND_SUBPARTITIONS WHERE STATUS = 'UNUSABLE') AND INDEX_OWNER NOT IN ('SYS','SYSTEM') AND IDXSUBPART.STATUS <> 'USABLE' ORDER BY IDX.OWNER, IDX.INDEX_NAME /Upon completion, the file "rebuild_stmts.sql" should contain your "ALTER INDEX REBUILD PARTITION..." directives.
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