set lines 200 col name format a40 col network_name format a40 col pdb format a20 col global format a20 select name,network_name,con_id from v$active_services order by con_id,name; select name,network_name,con_id,pdb,global from v$services order by con_id,name; select con_id#,name,network_name from cdb_service$ order by con_id#,name ; exit
Minimalistic Oracle contains a collection of practical examples from my encounters with Oracle technologies. When relevant, I also write about other technologies, like Linux or PostgreSQL. Many of the posts starts with "how to" since they derive directly from my own personal experience. My goal is to provide simple examples, so that they can be easily adapted to other situations.
Friday, June 14, 2024
SQL for troubleshooting services in multitenant environment
Query for troubleshooting services in a multitenant environment:
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Some Oracle Net related terms and what they mean
The terms used in Oracle Networking can be very similar and somewhat confusing.
Here is an attempt to explain some of them.
What is a network service name?
The network service name is shown in yellow below:
What is a connect descriptor?
A specially-formatted description of the destination for a network connection. A connect descriptor contains destination service and network route information.
Everyhing contained within the DESCRIPTION part constitutes the connect description:
A connect identifier can be a network service name, database service name, or network service alias. Users will have to pass along username and password together with the connect identifier, to connect to a database.
For all intents and purposes, think about a connect identifier as a database name, or a nicname for a database name that you make up yourself.
What is a connect string?
By connect string we mean the information the user passes to a service to connect, such as user name, password and connect identifier
Here is an attempt to explain some of them.
What is a network service name?
The network service name is shown in yellow below:
BRNY01 =
A network service name resolves to a connect descriptor.
What is a connect descriptor?
A specially-formatted description of the destination for a network connection. A connect descriptor contains destination service and network route information.
Everyhing contained within the DESCRIPTION part constitutes the connect description:
(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = ) )What is a connect identifier?
A connect identifier can be a network service name, database service name, or network service alias. Users will have to pass along username and password together with the connect identifier, to connect to a database.
For all intents and purposes, think about a connect identifier as a database name, or a nicname for a database name that you make up yourself.
What is a connect string?
By connect string we mean the information the user passes to a service to connect, such as user name, password and connect identifier
CONNECT scott/tiger@net_service_name
Tuesday, June 4, 2024
Solution to ORA-29548: Java system class reported: release of Java system classes in the database ( 1.8) does not match that of the oracle executable ( 1.8)
When I was trying to drop and recreate a schema in my PDB, I received the following error:
drop user myuser cascade * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-29548: Java system class reported: release of Java system classes in the database ( 1.8) does not match that of the oracle executable ( 1.8)This occured since I had cloned the database from a source with a lower CPU level. To correct the situation: shutdown the entire cdb
SYS@_container_name SQL> show con_name CON_NAME ------------------------------ CDB$ROOT SYS@_container_name SQL> shutdown Database closed. Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down.Start up the database in upgrade mode:
SYS@_container_name SQL> startup upgrade Database mounted. Database opened. SYS@_container_name SQL> show pdbs CON_ID CON_NAME OPEN MODE RESTRICTED ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 2 PDB$SEED MIGRATE YES 4 pdb1 MOUNTEDOpen the pdb1 in upgrade mode, too:
SYS@_container_name SQL> alter pluggable database all open upgrade ; Pluggable database altered. SYS@_container_name SQL> show pdbs CON_ID CON_NAME OPEN MODE RESTRICTED ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 2 PDB$SEED MIGRATE YES 4 pdb1 MIGRATE YESRun datapatch:
cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/ datapatch -verboseShutdown the database, open normally:
SYS@_container_name SQL> startup SYS@_container_name SQL> show pdbs CON_ID CON_NAME OPEN MODE RESTRICTED ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 2 PDB$SEED READ ONLY NO 4 pdb1 MOUNTED SYS@_container_name SQL> alter pluggable database all open; Pluggable database altered. SYS@_container_name SQL> show pdbs CON_ID CON_NAME OPEN MODE RESTRICTED ---------- ------------------------------ ---------- ---------- 2 PDB$SEED READ ONLY NO 4 pdb1 READ WRITE NOYou can now drop the user:
SYS@_container_name SQL> alter session set container="pdb1"; Session altered. SYS@_container_name SQL> drop user myuser cascade; User dropped.
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
How I removed a data guard config completely
Here is my config:
5. On previous standby, remove db_unique_name:
DGMGRL> show configuration; Configuration - DGConfig1 Protection Mode: MaxPerformance Members: kej01 - Primary database kej01_stby1 - Physical standby database Fast-Start Failover: Disabled Configuration Status: SUCCESS (status updated 66 seconds ago)1. stop the redo apply process:
DGMGRL> edit database kej01_stby1 set state='APPLY-OFF'; Succeeded.2. remove the standby database from the configuration:
DGMGRL> remove database kej01_stby1; Removed database "kej01_stby1" from the configuration3. Remove the configuration itself:
DGMGRL> remove configuration; Removed configuration4. On both the primary and standby server, edit the $TNS_ADMIN/listener.ora by removing these entries:
(SID_DESC = (GLOBAL_DBNAME = kej01_DGMGRL) (ORACLE_HOME = /orasw/19c) (SID_NAME = kej01) ) (SID_DESC = (GLOBAL_DBNAME = (ORACLE_HOME = /orasw/19c) (SID_NAME = kej01) )Make sure to stop/start the listener afterwards.
5. On previous standby, remove db_unique_name:
SYS@kej01>SQL>alter system set db_unique_name='kej01' scope=spfile;6. On both servers, stop the broker processes:
SYS@kej01>SQL>alter system set dg_broker_start=false scope=both; System altered.6. On the standby, finish database recovery:
SYS@kej01>alter database recover managed standby database finish; Database altered.The database is still mounted as a physical standby:
SYS@kej01>SQL>select open_mode, database_role from v$database; OPEN_MODE DATABASE_ROLE -------------------- ---------------- MOUNTED PHYSICAL STANDBYIf you open it now, it will be in READ ONLY status:
SYS@kej01>SQL>alter database open; Database altered. SYS@kej01>select open_mode, database_role from v$database; OPEN_MODE DATABASE_ROLE -------------------- ---------------- READ ONLY PHYSICAL STANDBY7. Instruct the former standby database that it is now indeed a normal ("primary") database:
SYS@kej01>ALTER DATABASE COMMIT TO SWITCHOVER TO PRIMARY WITH SESSION SHUTDOWN; Database altered.The alert log will show that we are cutting all strings to the previous role:
2024-05-29T15:55:09.123174+02:00 ALTER DATABASE SWITCHOVER TO PRIMARY (kej01) 2024-05-29T15:55:09.125019+02:00 Maximum wait for role transition is 15 minutes. TMI: kcv_commit_to_so_to_primary wait for MRP to finish BEGIN 2024-05-29 15:55:09.125651 TMI: kcv_commit_to_so_to_primary wait for MRP to finish END 2024-05-29 15:55:09.126990 TMI: kcv_commit_to_so_to_primary Switchover from physical BEGIN 2024-05-29 15:55:09.130097 Standby terminal recovery start SCN: 4695193 RESETLOGS after incomplete recovery UNTIL CHANGE 4695565 time 05/29/2024 15:28:15 ET (PID:1614518): ORL pre-clearing operation disabled by switchover Online log /log/oradata/kej01/redo1.log: Thread 1 Group 1 was previously cleared Online log /log/oradata/kej01/redo2.log: Thread 1 Group 2 was previously cleared Online log /log/oradata/kej01/redo3.log: Thread 1 Group 3 was previously cleared Standby became primary SCN: 4695192 2024-05-29T15:55:16.588617+02:00 Setting recovery target incarnation to 3 2024-05-29T15:55:16.662719+02:00 NET (PID:1614518): Database role cleared from PHYSICAL STANDBY [kcvs.c:1133] Switchover: Complete - Database mounted as primary TMI: kcv_commit_to_so_to_primary Switchover from physical END 2024-05-29 15:55:16.667784 Completed: ALTER DATABASE COMMIT TO SWITCHOVER TO PRIMARY WITH SESSION SHUTDOWN 2024-05-29T15:55:27.547369+02:00 alter database openAt this point, my standby database is once again mounted, but it has now assumed the PRIMARY role, which is what I want:
SYS@kej01>SQL>select open_mode, database_role from v$database; OPEN_MODE DATABASE_ROLE -------------------- ---------------- MOUNTED PRIMARY8. Open it now, and it will be in read write mode:
SYS@kej01>SQL>alter database open; Database altered. SYS@kej01>SQL>select open_mode, database_role from v$database; OPEN_MODE DATABASE_ROLE -------------------- ---------------- READ WRITE PRIMARYAccording to the oracle documentation, the syntax above is pre-12.1 style, which is still compatible but DBAs are encouraged to use
Friday, May 17, 2024
Easy Connect syntax
Basic syntax:
Example connecting to a cntainer databaser:
Example using tnsping from my Windows 11 client, using a cmd/powershell terminal:
sqlplus uid/pwd@// you do not specify port, 1521 is assumed.
Example connecting to a cntainer databaser:
C:\Users\vegard>sqlplus system/ Connected to: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version SQL> show user USER is "SYSTEM" SQL> show con_name CON_NAME ------------------------------ CDB$ROOTExample connecting to a pdb plugged into the same container database:
C:\Users\vegard>sqlplus system/ Connected to: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version SQL> show user USER is "SYSTEM" SQL> show con_name CON_NAME ------------------------------ VKSA01 SQL>You can also use easy connect syntax with the tnsping utility, just to check if there is an oracle service running on a specific server.
Example using tnsping from my Windows 11 client, using a cmd/powershell terminal:
C:\Users\vegard>tnsping "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(" Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)( OK (50 msec)Documentation for the Net Services Administrator's Guide can be found here
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
syntax for dropping a temporary file from a temporary tablespace
For future reference, here is how to drop and recreate a temporary file in an existing temporary tablespace, but with a changed path:
If applicable, set the container:
alter session set container=pdb1;Drop the current tempfile, and recreate it in the desired location. Make it autoextensible:
alter database tempfile '/data/oradata/db01/temp1.dbf' drop including datafiles; alter tablespace TEMP1 add tempfile '/data/oradata/db02/temp1.dbf' size 1G; alter database tempfile '/data/oradata/db02/temp1.dbf' autoextend on next 1G maxsize unlimited;A good query for temporary tablespaces:
select t.ts#,,t.bigfile, t.con_id, "file_name", tg.group_name from v$tempfile f join v$tablespace t on (t.TS# = f.TS#) and t.con_id = f.CON_ID join DBA_TABLESPACE_GROUPS tg on (tg.tablespace_name = TS# NAME BIG CON_ID file_name GROUP_NAME ---------- ------------------------------ --- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 3 TEMP1 YES 3 /u02/oradata/pdb1/temp1.dbf TEMP 4 TEMP2 YES 3 /u02/oradata/pdb1/temp2.dbf TEMP
Monday, May 6, 2024
How to solve errors like "Interim patch num/num (DATAPUMP BUNDLE PATCH Not installed in the CDB but installed in the PDB"
After running autoupgrade, I was left with the following message in the logfile $ORACLE_BASE/cfgtoollogs/upgrade/auto/status/status.log:
datapatch when executed is trying to apply Release update in the PDB database first but is not applying in CDB$ROOT .
Solution is to execute datapatch individually in each of the containers, starting with CDB$ROOT :
[Stage Name] NONCDBTOPDB [Status] FAILURE [Start Time] 2024-05-06 14:29:45 [Duration] 0:05:33 [Log Directory] /u01/oracle/txs01/101/noncdbtopdb Cause:AutoUpgException [After running noncdb_to_pdb.sql, the pdb was closed or was opened in restricted mode] Reason:None Action:None Info:None ExecutionError:Yes Error Message:AutoUpgException [After running noncdb_to_pdb.sql, the pdb was closed or was opened in restricted mode]A query against the database shows that there are errors in the pdb_plug_in_violations view:
SELECT TIME,NAME,CAUSE,STATUS,MESSAGE FROM PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS; TIME NAME CAUSE STATUS MESSAGE ------------------- ----- --------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06.05.2024 15.23.20 TXS01 SQL Patch PENDING Interim patch 35926646/25513953 (OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (35926646)): Installed in the CDB but not in the PDB 06.05.2024 15.23.20 TXS01 SQL Patch PENDING Interim patch 36092868/25496280 (DATAPUMP BUNDLE PATCH Installed in the CDB but not in the PDB 06.05.2024 15.23.20 TXS01 SQL Patch PENDING Interim patch 35648110/25365038 (OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (35648110)): Not installed in the CDB but installed in the PDB 06.05.2024 15.23.20 TXS01 SQL Patch PENDING Interim patch 35787077/25410019 (DATAPUMP BUNDLE PATCH Not installed in the CDB but installed in the PDB 06.05.2024 15.23.20 TXS01 SQL Patch PENDING ' Release_Update 2401040239' is installed in the CDB but ' Release_Update 2309301519' is installed in the PDBSolution is in Doc ID 2604940.1 "Datapatch precheck failed : Release update is BEING installed to PDB but is not installed in CDB$ROOT.This will cause a patch mismatch between this PDB and CDB$ROOT":
datapatch when executed is trying to apply Release update in the PDB database first but is not applying in CDB$ROOT .
Solution is to execute datapatch individually in each of the containers, starting with CDB$ROOT :
datapatch -verbose -pdbs CDB\$ROOT datapatch -verbose -pdbs TXS01 sqlplus / as sysdba alter session set container=PDB$SEED; alter session set "_oracle_script"=TRUE; alter pluggable database pdb$seed close immediate instances=all; alter pluggable database pdb$seed OPEN READ WRITE; select open_mode from v$database; exit datapatch -verbose -pdbs PDB\$SEED sqlplus / as sysdba alter session set "_oracle_script"=FALSE;You should now see that the status has changed from PENDING to RESOLVED:
TIME NAME CAUSE STATUS MESSAGE ------------------- ----- --------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 06.05.2024 15.23.20 TXS01 SQL Patch RESOLVED Interim patch 35926646/25513953 (OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (35926646)): Installed in the CDB but not in the PDB 06.05.2024 15.23.20 TXS01 SQL Patch RESOLVED Interim patch 36092868/25496280 (DATAPUMP BUNDLE PATCH Installed in the CDB but not in the PDB 06.05.2024 15.23.20 TXS01 SQL Patch RESOLVED Interim patch 35648110/25365038 (OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (35648110)): Not installed in the CDB but installed in the PDB 06.05.2024 15.23.20 TXS01 SQL Patch RESOLVED Interim patch 35787077/25410019 (DATAPUMP BUNDLE PATCH Not installed in the CDB but installed in the PDB 06.05.2024 15.23.20 TXS01 SQL Patch RESOLVED ' Release_Update 2401040239' is installed in the CDB but ' Release_Update 2309301519' is installed in the PDBYou may now clear the errors:
SYS@cdb>SQL>exec DBMS_PDB.CLEAR_PLUGIN_VIOLATIONS( pdb_name => 'TXS01'); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SYS@cdb>SQL>select time,name,cause,status,message from PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS order by name; no rows selected
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