Monday, February 17, 2020

How to export and import a schema in PostgreSQL

Schema exports and imports

There are many ways to export a schema using pg_dump:

Export the schema scott from db01, data only, no metadata (object definitions):
pg_dump db01 -n 'scott' -a | gzip > db01_scott.gz

Which is really just a shorthand for the syntax
pg_dump db01 -n 'scott' -a -f db01_scott.txt | gzip > db01_scott.gz
The -f parameter can be omitted for file based output formats, in which case the standard output is used (as shown in the first example).
The -a option dumps only the data, not the schema (data definitions). Table data, large objects, and sequence values are dumped.

Export the schema music from the database musicdb, metadata only, no actual data:
pg_dump musicdb -n 'music' -s | gzip > musicdb.music_definitions.gz
For smaller schemas you could potentially skip the compression altogether.

Export schema scott using the custom postgres format
pg_dump -v --schema=scott db01 -Fc > db01_scott.dmp

Alternatively, use the -f switch to send the output to a specific file:
pg_dump -v --schema=scott db01 -Fc  -f db01_scott.dmp
The -Fc option indicates postgres' "custom format" and is compressed by default.

Export schema scott using the "plain" format like this:
pg_dump -v --schema=scott db01  -Fp > scott.db01.sql

Alternatively, you can use the -f switch to send output to a specific file:
pg_dump -v --schema=music musicdb -Fp -f musicdb_music.txt
The -Fp means "plain" format. The output of the above operation is an text file which can be parsed by psql as an alternative way of importing. See examples below for usage.

Next, I am using the -f option and piping the resulting output directly to gzip for compression:
pg_dump -v --schema=music musicdb -f mymusic.txt | gzip > musicdb_music.txt.gz

Whichever method you used, transfer the exported data to the destination server using ssh

Import the schema "music" into the existing database "musicdb", metadata only, no actual data:
gunzip -c musicdb.music_definitions.gz | psql musicdb

Import the data for schema "music" into the existing database "musicdb", no metadata, only the actual data.
Note that this will throw errors upon import if the tables do not exist beforehand:
gunzip -c musicdb.music_actualdata.gz | psql musicdb

For import using custom format, use pg_restore instead of psql.
Import the schema "music" and the existing database "musicdb":
pg_restore -d musicdb musicdb_Fc.dmp -v

Create the database "musicdb", then import the schema "music" into it:
pg_restore -d postgres musicdb_Fc.dmp -v -C

See also my posts about how to export and import using the directory format, and how to list the contents of a custom formated export file

You can find a wrapper for pg_dump and pg_restore in the article Wrappers for pg_dump and pg_restore

The official documentation for the pg_dump utility can be found here

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