Showing posts with label pg_dump and pg_restore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pg_dump and pg_restore. Show all posts

Friday, August 26, 2022

How to generate insert statements for a table in PostgreSQL

Thanks to Carlos Becker for pointing out the following solution on how to generate insert statments for a table in PostgreSQL
pg_dump mydb -n 'myschema' -a -Fp  -t myschema.mytable --column-inserts > /data1/insert_statements.sql| gzip

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Wrappers for pg_dump and pg_restore


#pg_dump dumps a database as a text file or to other formats.
export SCRIPT_NAME=`basename $0`
export HOST=`uname -n`
export TS=`date +\%m.\%d.\%y\_%H_%M_%S`
export RUN_DATE=`date +\%m.\%d.\%y`
export RUN_DIR=.
export LOG_DIR=/tmp
export DUMPDIR=/pgdata/export
export JOB_NAME="ExportPGDB"
export VERSION=1.0.0
export LOGFILE=${LOG_DIR}/${SCRIPT_NAME}_${TS}.log

exec &> ${LOGFILE}
echo "Starting export job at " `date`
pg_dump -Fd musicdb -n music -v -f ${DUMPDIR}/mussikkdbexport -j 2
echo "Ending job at " `date`


# pg_restore - restore a PostgreSQL database from an archive file created by pg_dump
export SCRIPT_NAME=`basename $0`
export HOST=`uname -n`
export TS=`date +\%m.\%d.\%y\_%H_%M_%S`
export RUN_DATE=`date +\%m.\%d.\%y`
export RUN_DIR=.
export LOG_DIR=/tmp
export DUMPDIR=/pgdata/export
export JOB_NAME="ImportPGDB"
export VERSION=1.0.0
export LOGFILE=${LOG_DIR}/${SCRIPT_NAME}_${TS}.log
exec &> ${LOGFILE}
echo "Starting job at " `date`
pg_restore ${DUMPDIR}/mussikkdbexport -C -c -d postgres -j 4 -v
pg_restore ${DUMPDIR}/mussikkdbexport -c -d musicdb -j 4 -v
echo "Ending job at " `date`

More articles on pg_dump and pgrestore:

  • How to export and import a database in PostgreSQL
  • How to export and import a schema in PostgreSQL
  • How to list the contents of a custom format PostgreSQL export file
  • How to export and import a schema using the directory format
  • How to export a single table using different format in PostgreSQL
  • Monday, October 18, 2021

    How to export a single table in PostgreSQL

    Example of exporting a single table. In the directory-format:
    pg_dump -Fd mydb -t myschema.mytable -v -f  /data/mydirectory -j 2
    -Fd = export into a directory-format archive
    -t = table name
    -v = verbose
    -f = the target directory
    -j = number of export jobs
    Note that -f can be omitted for file based output formats.
    Since I am using the directory output format however, I am required to use it, and it specifies the target directory instead of a file. In this case the directory is created by pg_dump and it must not exist before.

    In plain text file format:
    pg_dump mydb -n 'myschema' -a -Fp  -t mytable | gzip > mydb_myschema_mytable.gz
    -Fp = plain text format
    -a  = data only, no metadata. In the case of plain text, this means no "create table" statement is generated
    -t  = table name
    When the export is done, you may unpack the mydb_myschema_mytable.gz and you will observe that the file contains COPY directives for each row.

    In custom format:
    pg_dump mydb -n 'myschema' -a -Fc  -t mytable | gzip > mydb_myschema_mytable_custom.gz
    Where all the options are identical to the plain text format, except for
    -Fc = custom data format

    Thursday, September 16, 2021

    How to list the contents of a custom format PostgreSQL export file

    List the content of a "custom format" export file created by pg_dump by specifying the -l flag:

    pg_restore /data1/exports/musicdb_Fc.dmp -l

    List the content of a "directory format" export file created by pg_dump by specifying the -l flag. Note that the path should point to the directory in which the toc.dat file resides, in my case /data1/exports/mydir:
    pg_restore /data1/exports/mydir/ -l

    In both cases, output will be something akin to
    ; Archive created at 2021-09-16 12:51:17 CEST
    ;     dbname: musicdb
    ;     TOC Entries: 29
    ;     Compression: -1
    ;     Dump Version: 1.13-0
    ;     Format: CUSTOM
    ;     Integer: 4 bytes
    ;     Offset: 8 bytes
    ;     Dumped from database version: 11.12
    ;     Dumped by pg_dump version: 11.12
    ; Selected TOC Entries:
    10; 2615 45112854 SCHEMA - music postgres
    3764; 0 0 ACL - SCHEMA music postgres
    202; 1259 45112865 TABLE music albums music
    203; 1259 45112868 TABLE music albums_1974 music
    204; 1259 45112871 TABLE music albums_1979 music
    201; 1259 45112863 SEQUENCE music albums_album_id_seq music
    205; 1259 45112874 TABLE music albums_default music
    207; 1259 45112879 TABLE music artists music
    206; 1259 45112877 SEQUENCE music artists_artist_id_seq music
    209; 1259 45112884 TABLE music bands music
    208; 1259 45112882 SEQUENCE music bands_band_id_seq music
    200; 1259 45112858 TABLE music songs music
    199; 1259 45112856 SEQUENCE music songs_song_id_seq music
    3750; 0 45112868 TABLE DATA music albums_1974 music
    3751; 0 45112871 TABLE DATA music albums_1979 music
    3752; 0 45112874 TABLE DATA music albums_default music
    3754; 0 45112879 TABLE DATA music artists music
    3756; 0 45112884 TABLE DATA music bands music
    3748; 0 45112858 TABLE DATA music songs music
    3765; 0 0 SEQUENCE SET music albums_album_id_seq music
    3766; 0 0 SEQUENCE SET music artists_artist_id_seq music
    3767; 0 0 SEQUENCE SET music bands_band_id_seq music
    3768; 0 0 SEQUENCE SET music songs_song_id_seq music
    3620; 2606 45112862 CONSTRAINT music songs songs_pkey music

    Tuesday, September 14, 2021

    How to export and import a schema using the directory format

    What exactly is the directory format used by pg_dump? 

     The documentation states: 

      Dumps can be output in script or archive file formats


    The alternative archive file formats must be used with pg_restore to rebuild the database. 

    Do they bring any advantages over the plain-text format?

    Archive file formats allows pg_restore to

  • be selective about what is restored
  • reorder the items prior to being restored
  • be portable across architectures.
  • be used to examine the contents of an archive
  • use parallel workers during export and import

    The documentation claims that pg_dump used archive file formats and pg_restore provides a flexible archival and transfer mechanism. 

    There are two types of archive file format output:

  • The “custom” format (-Fc)
  • The “directory” format (-Fd)

    Both of these allows for selection and reordering of all archived items, support parallel restoration, and are compressed by default, but note that only the “directory” format supports parallelization of the export utility pg_dump.

    In other words, using pg_dump + pg_restore to move data should be a transition that most seasoned Oracle DBAs will be able to do. The usage of these utilities is a lot similar to Oracle Data Pump.

    Export schema "music" in database "musicdb" using the directory format archive:
    pg_dump -Fd musicdb -n music -v -f /export/musicdbexport -j 2
    I am using two workers indicated by the -j flag.
    You need to point to a valid path for your directory, which is /export. pg_dump will create the subdirectory "musicdbexport" for you, and according to the documentation it should not be created beforehand.

    If you list the path after export, you'll see files like these:
    cd /export/musicdbexport
    total 40K
    drwxr-xr-x 3 postgres postgres 4.0K Sep  7 16:22 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres 8.0K Sep  7 16:22 toc.dat
    -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres   53 Sep  7 16:22 3756.dat.gz
    -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres  292 Sep  7 16:22 3754.dat.gz
    -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres   67 Sep  7 16:22 3751.dat.gz
    -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres  142 Sep  7 16:22 3748.dat.gz
    -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres   25 Sep  7 16:22 3750.dat.gz
    drwx------ 2 postgres postgres 4.0K Sep  7 16:22 .
    -rw-r--r-- 1 postgres postgres   88 Sep  7 16:22 3752.dat.gz
    Transfer these file, including the toc.dat file, to the destination server.

    Import schema "music" in database "musicdb" using the directory format archive:
    pg_restore /pgdata/export -C -c -d postgres -j 4 -v
    -C means "create the target database" -c means "drop the database objects before creating" -j is the number of jobs started in parallel
    Remeber that the file toc.dat must exist in the directory, otherwise you'll see the error message pg_restore: [archiver] directory "/pgdata/export" does not appear to be a valid archive ("toc.dat" does not exist)

    Remember, you don't have to drop the database first, it's only an option you have. You could also choose to import the schema "music" directly into an existing database:
    pg_restore /pgdata/export -d musicdb -j 4 -v

    If you examine the log aftwards, you'll typically see output like this:
    pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
    So postgres is simply connecting to the default database (named "postgres") in order to create the database which schema "music" happens to be exported from.

    Following that, we see how the database "musicdb" is created:
    pg_restore: processing item 3759 ENCODING ENCODING
    pg_restore: processing item 3760 STDSTRINGS STDSTRINGS
    pg_restore: processing item 3761 SEARCHPATH SEARCHPATH
    pg_restore: processing item 3762 DATABASE musicdb
    pg_restore: creating DATABASE "musicdb"

    Then the pg_restore connects to the new database and creates the schema in there:
    pg_restore: connecting to new database "musicdb"
    pg_restore: processing item 10 SCHEMA music
    pg_restore: creating SCHEMA "music"

    After that, the objects are imported one by one:
    pg_restore: processing item 202 TABLE albums
    pg_restore: creating TABLE "music.albums"
    Like schema imports in Oracle, any users that may have grants on the objects being imported must exist beforehand for any GRANT statements to execute successfully.

    In my case, these errors were thrown because I did not take care to create a user called "music" up front:

    pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error while PROCESSING TOC:
    pg_restore: [archiver (db)] Error from TOC entry 202; 1259 45112865 TABLE albums music
    pg_restore: [archiver (db)] could not execute query: ERROR:  role "music" does not exist
        Command was: ALTER TABLE music.albums OWNER TO music;

    pg_dump is documented here
    pg_restore is documenteted here
  • Thursday, August 13, 2020

    How to perform a full export and import of an entire database in PostgreSQL

    Export the database "db01" from your source postgres server:

    pg_dump db01 -v -Fc >db01.dmp

    The -v means "verbose" and -Fc means "custom format" (as opposed to "directory format", which would be indicated by -Fd)

    Import the database "db01" in your destination postgres server

    First, transfer the directory db01.dmp file from the source server to the target server using scp.
    pg_restore -v -d db01 -1 db01.dmp
    The -1 option means "all or nothing"; either the entire operation succeed, or nothing is done.

    If the database doesn't exist, you need to connect to another database in the cluster first:
    pg_restore -v -C -d postgres /exports/full_db_export.dmp

    Export the database "db01" using the directory format:

    pg_dump -Fd db01 -f /exports/full_db01 -v

    This will create the directory /exports/full_db01 which contains all the files necessary for restore. The -v means "verbose" and -Fd means "directory format"

    Import the database "db01":

    Again, transfer the needed files, this time the entire directory /exports/full_db01 from the source server to the target server using scp.
    Then import the database, either by recreating the database indicated by the -C option:
    pg_restore /exports/full_db01 -C -c -d postgres -j 2 -v

    or by importing the objects into an existing database, in my case "db02":
    pg_restore /exports/full_db01 -c -d db02 -j 2 -v

  • The -C option means "create database".
  • The -d postgres option indicates the database to which the pg_dump utility makes an initial connection
  • The -c option means "drop the database objects before creating"
  • -j is the number of jobs started in parallel

    The official documentation for the pg_dump utility can be found here
  • Monday, February 17, 2020

    How to export and import a schema in PostgreSQL

    Schema exports and imports

    There are many ways to export a schema using pg_dump:

    Export the schema scott from db01, data only, no metadata (object definitions):
    pg_dump db01 -n 'scott' -a | gzip > db01_scott.gz

    Which is really just a shorthand for the syntax
    pg_dump db01 -n 'scott' -a -f db01_scott.txt | gzip > db01_scott.gz
    The -f parameter can be omitted for file based output formats, in which case the standard output is used (as shown in the first example).
    The -a option dumps only the data, not the schema (data definitions). Table data, large objects, and sequence values are dumped.

    Export the schema music from the database musicdb, metadata only, no actual data:
    pg_dump musicdb -n 'music' -s | gzip > musicdb.music_definitions.gz
    For smaller schemas you could potentially skip the compression altogether.

    Export schema scott using the custom postgres format
    pg_dump -v --schema=scott db01 -Fc > db01_scott.dmp

    Alternatively, use the -f switch to send the output to a specific file:
    pg_dump -v --schema=scott db01 -Fc  -f db01_scott.dmp
    The -Fc option indicates postgres' "custom format" and is compressed by default.

    Export schema scott using the "plain" format like this:
    pg_dump -v --schema=scott db01  -Fp > scott.db01.sql

    Alternatively, you can use the -f switch to send output to a specific file:
    pg_dump -v --schema=music musicdb -Fp -f musicdb_music.txt
    The -Fp means "plain" format. The output of the above operation is an text file which can be parsed by psql as an alternative way of importing. See examples below for usage.

    Next, I am using the -f option and piping the resulting output directly to gzip for compression:
    pg_dump -v --schema=music musicdb -f mymusic.txt | gzip > musicdb_music.txt.gz

    Whichever method you used, transfer the exported data to the destination server using ssh

    Import the schema "music" into the existing database "musicdb", metadata only, no actual data:
    gunzip -c musicdb.music_definitions.gz | psql musicdb

    Import the data for schema "music" into the existing database "musicdb", no metadata, only the actual data.
    Note that this will throw errors upon import if the tables do not exist beforehand:
    gunzip -c musicdb.music_actualdata.gz | psql musicdb

    For import using custom format, use pg_restore instead of psql.
    Import the schema "music" and the existing database "musicdb":
    pg_restore -d musicdb musicdb_Fc.dmp -v

    Create the database "musicdb", then import the schema "music" into it:
    pg_restore -d postgres musicdb_Fc.dmp -v -C

    See also my posts about how to export and import using the directory format, and how to list the contents of a custom formated export file

    You can find a wrapper for pg_dump and pg_restore in the article Wrappers for pg_dump and pg_restore

    The official documentation for the pg_dump utility can be found here