Friday, May 17, 2024

Easy Connect syntax

Basic syntax:
sqlplus uid/pwd@//
If you do not specify port, 1521 is assumed.

Example connecting to a cntainer databaser:
C:\Users\vegard>sqlplus system/

Connected to:
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

SQL> show user
SQL> show con_name

Example connecting to a pdb plugged into the same container database:
C:\Users\vegard>sqlplus system/

Connected to:
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

SQL> show user
SQL> show con_name

You can also use easy connect syntax with the tnsping utility, just to check if there is an oracle service running on a specific server.

Example using tnsping from my Windows 11 client, using a cmd/powershell terminal:
C:\Users\vegard>tnsping "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)("

Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(
OK (50 msec)
Documentation for the Net Services Administrator's Guide can be found here

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

syntax for dropping a temporary file from a temporary tablespace

For future reference, here is how to drop and recreate a temporary file in an existing temporary tablespace, but with a changed path: If applicable, set the container:
alter session set container=pdb1;
Drop the current tempfile, and recreate it in the desired location. Make it autoextensible:
alter database tempfile '/data/oradata/db01/temp1.dbf' drop including datafiles;
alter tablespace TEMP1 add tempfile '/data/oradata/db02/temp1.dbf' size 1G; 
alter database tempfile '/data/oradata/db02/temp1.dbf' autoextend on next 1G maxsize unlimited;
A good query for temporary tablespaces:
select t.ts#,,t.bigfile, t.con_id, "file_name", tg.group_name
from v$tempfile f join v$tablespace t
on (t.TS# = f.TS#)
and t.con_id = f.CON_ID join DBA_TABLESPACE_GROUPS tg on (tg.tablespace_name =

       TS# NAME                           BIG     CON_ID file_name                                GROUP_NAME
---------- ------------------------------ --- ---------- ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------
         3 TEMP1                          YES          3 /u02/oradata/pdb1/temp1.dbf                    TEMP
         4 TEMP2                          YES          3 /u02/oradata/pdb1/temp2.dbf                    TEMP

Monday, May 6, 2024

How to solve errors like "Interim patch num/num (DATAPUMP BUNDLE PATCH Not installed in the CDB but installed in the PDB"

After running autoupgrade, I was left with the following message in the logfile $ORACLE_BASE/cfgtoollogs/upgrade/auto/status/status.log:
[Stage Name]    NONCDBTOPDB
[Status]        FAILURE
[Start Time]    2024-05-06 14:29:45
[Duration]      0:05:33
[Log Directory] /u01/oracle/txs01/101/noncdbtopdb
Cause:AutoUpgException [After running noncdb_to_pdb.sql, the pdb was closed or was opened in restricted mode]
Error Message:AutoUpgException [After running noncdb_to_pdb.sql, the pdb was closed or was opened in restricted mode]
A query against the database shows that there are errors in the pdb_plug_in_violations view:

TIME                      NAME    CAUSE       STATUS     MESSAGE
-------------------       -----   ---------   --------   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
06.05.2024 15.23.20       TXS01   SQL Patch   PENDING   Interim patch 35926646/25513953 (OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (35926646)): Installed in the CDB but not in the PDB
06.05.2024 15.23.20       TXS01   SQL Patch   PENDING   Interim patch 36092868/25496280 (DATAPUMP BUNDLE PATCH Installed in the CDB but not in the PDB
06.05.2024 15.23.20       TXS01   SQL Patch   PENDING   Interim patch 35648110/25365038 (OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (35648110)): Not installed in the CDB but installed in the PDB
06.05.2024 15.23.20       TXS01   SQL Patch   PENDING   Interim patch 35787077/25410019 (DATAPUMP BUNDLE PATCH Not installed in the CDB but installed in the PDB
06.05.2024 15.23.20       TXS01   SQL Patch   PENDING   ' Release_Update 2401040239' is installed in the CDB but ' Release_Update 2309301519' is installed in the PDB
Solution is in Doc ID 2604940.1 "Datapatch precheck failed : Release update is BEING installed to PDB but is not installed in CDB$ROOT.This will cause a patch mismatch between this PDB and CDB$ROOT":

datapatch when executed is trying to apply Release update in the PDB database first but is not applying in CDB$ROOT .

Solution is to execute datapatch individually in each of the containers, starting with CDB$ROOT :
datapatch -verbose -pdbs CDB\$ROOT
datapatch -verbose -pdbs TXS01

sqlplus / as sysdba
alter session set container=PDB$SEED;
alter session set "_oracle_script"=TRUE;
alter pluggable database pdb$seed close immediate instances=all;
alter pluggable database pdb$seed OPEN READ WRITE;
select open_mode from v$database;

datapatch -verbose -pdbs PDB\$SEED

sqlplus / as sysdba
alter session set "_oracle_script"=FALSE;
You should now see that the status has changed from PENDING to RESOLVED:
TIME                      NAME    CAUSE       STATUS     MESSAGE
-------------------       -----   ---------   --------   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
06.05.2024 15.23.20       TXS01   SQL Patch   RESOLVED   Interim patch 35926646/25513953 (OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (35926646)): Installed in the CDB but not in the PDB
06.05.2024 15.23.20       TXS01   SQL Patch   RESOLVED   Interim patch 36092868/25496280 (DATAPUMP BUNDLE PATCH Installed in the CDB but not in the PDB
06.05.2024 15.23.20       TXS01   SQL Patch   RESOLVED   Interim patch 35648110/25365038 (OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (35648110)): Not installed in the CDB but installed in the PDB
06.05.2024 15.23.20       TXS01   SQL Patch   RESOLVED   Interim patch 35787077/25410019 (DATAPUMP BUNDLE PATCH Not installed in the CDB but installed in the PDB
06.05.2024 15.23.20       TXS01   SQL Patch   RESOLVED   ' Release_Update 2401040239' is installed in the CDB but ' Release_Update 2309301519' is installed in the PDB
You may now clear the errors:

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SYS@cdb>SQL>select time,name,cause,status,message from PDB_PLUG_IN_VIOLATIONS order by name;

no rows selected

Monday, April 22, 2024

grep for all database names in /etc/oratab

The file /etc/oratab contains:
To extract the database names:
grep "^[^#]" /etc/oratab | awk -F':' '{print $1}'

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Solution to script warning: here-document at line < num > delimited by end-of-file (wanted `!')

In a script, I had formatted my code as follows:
  for l in $(cat file.txt|grep 'Status'|  awk -F' ' '{print $2}'); do
    if [ $l != "SUCCESS" ]; then
       echo $l ": Errors found. Please check logfile status.log"
      echo "Readjust memory for the remaining cdb instance"
        su - oracle <<!
        -- code here --
During execution, my script failed with
./ line 32: warning: here-document at line 20 delimited by end-of-file (wanted `!')
./ line 33: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Cause: The termination character, in this case the exclamation point ! was indented in the code.

Solution: Remove the formatting and pull the termination character all the way to the left margin of your editor:
  for l in $(cat file.txt|grep 'Status'|  awk -F' ' '{print $2}'); do
    if [ $l != "SUCCESS" ]; then
       echo $l ": Errors found. Please check logfile status.log"
      echo "Readjust memory for the remaining cdb instance"
        su - oracle <<!
        -- code here --

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Solution to ORA-28547: connection to server failed, probable Oracle Net admin error

When trying to perform sqlplus actions against one of my databases, I received
oracle@oric-dbserver01:[mydb01]# sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Apr 17 10:43:56 2024

Copyright (c) 1982, 2023, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

ORA-28547: connection to server failed, probable Oracle Net admin error

This is a consequence of the fact that oracle nls files are not found in its default location for this particular server.

If there are no .nlb files in $ORACLE_HOME/nls/data, you need to find out where they are located and set the ORA_NLS10 parameter correctly

If you lookup the error you will get a hint about this fact:
oracle@oric-dbserver01:[mydb01]# oerr ora 28547
A failure occurred during initialization of a network connection from a client process to the Oracle server.  ... 

The most frequent specific causes are: [ oracle lists several potential causes here ]

The character set of the database is not recognized by the client process, which may be caused by an incorrect or unnecessary setting 
of the ORA_NLS10 client environment variable or by a new or user-defined character set installed in the Oracle server and used for the database.


Set the ORA_NLS10 environment variable:
export ORA_NLS10=$ORACLE_HOME/nls/data/9idata
When this is done, sqlplus will work.

Don't forget to add the same to your .bash_profile for the operating system user owning and running the oracle server software. For most installations I have seen, this will be the os user called "oracle".

Solution to [FATAL] [DBT-05509] Failed to connect to the specified database (cdb) in dbca

I was attempting to create a container database using dbca like this:
dbca -createDatabase -responsefile /home/oracle/scripts/cdb.rsp -silent
The following error kept coming up:
[FATAL] [DBT-05509] Failed to connect to the specified database (cdb).
   CAUSE: OS Authentication might be disabled for this database (cdb).
   ACTION: Specify a valid sysdba user name and password to connect to the database.

Same solution as in my previous post "My solution to ORA-12701: CREATE DATABASE character set is not known":

If there are no *.nlb files in the default location $ORACLE_HOME/nls/data, then set the ORA_NLS10 parameter to the place where these files actually resides. In my case, they were found in the sub directory 9idata instead:
export ORA_NLS10=$ORACLE_HOME/nls/data/9idata
Otherwise Oracle won't be able to find the language files it needs to create the database.